Call of Duty: Zombies

What are some things that you hated or disliked about Cold War Zombies?

Since this year we are having another round based zombies, it came to my mind as curiosity, what are some things that you didn't like, or absolutely hated about Cold War Zombies?



    I liked the upgrade and perk upgrade system. The maps were fun I enjoyed the mini Easter eggs and mini bosses. What I didn’t like was how big the areas were making it too easy to train and high round

  2. Usual-Tangerine-9362

    how it was so damn hard to get the ray gun. the storyline was pretty damn weak too

  3. xMephiles24x

    Uninspired map design.
    Had interesting ideas that were wasted (Dark aether being a filter change/ Firebase Z being a Vietnam map not set in jungles, etc)

  4. Head_Produce_295

    Felt soulless compared to past games.

  5. Lost_Bumblebee2559

    It felt soulless with multiplayer feeling.

  6. BrokenSpartan23

    Some of the easter egg steps being insufferable… cough *firebase z* cough

  7. Working-Ferret-4296

    Operators and the plot. Just no personality

  8. Sensitive-Tax2230

    I don’t really have too many gripes about Cold War zombies other than it being too easy and the maps not being as fun. Especially the later ones

  9. Puttshroom

    Generally uninteresting. Armor and scrap system were not very fun. Pack a punch system also.
    I didn’t play beyond one game of Firebase Z because everything you really needed was just in one area. Felt like exploring a new map was severely gutted.

    Oh, and getting less xp in solo– and then nerfing it again to make it even more of a slog.

  10. RadioCoyote2

    They made it feel more like multiplayer than zombies

  11. • no main cast

    • loadouts made the box and wall buys irrelevant

    • couldn’t turn off on-screen pop-ups

    • couldn’t turn ofd the minimap

    • not enough side quests

    • side quests were too easy

    • main ees (main quests?) were too easy

    • not all wws were in outbreak

    • not enough maps (rbz or outbreak)

    • hijacked should’ve been in onslaught

    • point system kinda sucked

    • base wws are better than the upgrades

    • double tap was cut

    • they shouldn’t have patched dead wire

    This is a top 3 game for me though

  12. Deep-Age-2486

    I had 2

    – The server disconnects. They happened so damn much. Sometimes you couldn’t even play for longer than 5 minutes. Multiplayer included.

    – the ridiculous health pool one of the bosses had, it was the map where there was a subway station I forgot the name.

    The scrap and weapon rarity stuff, I did hate at first, but it did grow on me. Eventually I didn’t care. I knew how to get alot of it fast so it never bothered me after a certain point.

    Other than that, the game was a hit for me. I like that they’re taking different approaches as we go along. As long as it isn’t MWZ, I support their different approaches.

  13. FishermanOk7719

    Easy question kill streaks or at least the ability to buy as many as u wantneedcan and ring of fire along with several other specials should have had their charge times doubled cause these 2 things make you near undefeatable and also makes high round strats camping strats and not that camp strats ate bad persey but makeing ever map have the same high round strat is boring and males me want to cry

  14. PhilosophersPinky

    Wunderfizz kind of ruined the maps flow as you didn’t need to explore much, mystery box weapons coming with random attachments meant I was getting smgs with 4x scopes half the time so that was poo, and no dedicated cast of characters was another mistake imo

  15. RamosRiot

    It’s a tad too easy and I don’t like the points system but otherwise it’s fun

  16. SeesawDecent5799

    Legit just my only complaint is the story and characters just seem boring and not unique. Like Weaver for example is just a throwaway Black Ops 1 character whos just some soldier, same with legit each character just some random military operative. Like we went from Drunk Russian and Crazy Nazi scientist to legit normal ass people.

  17. Zombie health cap, buyable ammo in every room, overpowered scorestreaks that can be spammed and make you invincible while being used, less zombies per round, 935 round cap, unlimited downs, too many weapons in the box, and on the later maps just annoying enemy spam (Forsaken alone has normal zombies, zombies with armor, tormentors, disciples, mimics, manglers, tempests, plaguehounds, and abominations)

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