Call of Duty: Zombies

3rd Crusade Zombies Map Idea

The map itself is Jerusalem, one of the playable characters is King Richard The Lionheart, and you spawn in with swords/melee weapons. You can buy a horse that has a health bar, once it runs out, you cannot use it for the rest of the game, it can plow through zombies, travel way faster, and is good for training. The wonder weapon would be The Excalibur, it works as a melee and projectile weapon. This is just a rough concept, tell me what you think of it.


  1. Willing-Bother-8684

    Take the horse out in my opinion. if you wanted to implement horse there’s probably a way, I just don’t think it would be to ride on it around while training zombies. maybe it’s a buyable trap that when you have a train going you can purchase the trap and a stampede of horses roll through killing the zombies.. or it would be like a fast travel kind of deal that you have to pay for and it will run outside and around the perimeter of the map bringing you back to original spawn giving you a get out of jail free card and time to recover but would cost a hefty amount Of points (only really being useful high rounds)

  2. Laflair99

    Im all for it!! I think like most maps at first, it won’t be well received but it’ll eventually catch on especially with a gimmick like starting with melee weapons only and you can have all types of funky looking unique old style guns but the most important thing I think should be incorporated……Elemental sword wonder weapons🔥🔥🔥

    They could be the same elements as DE bows to keep with the story and possibly incorporate them in the EE and instead of box only weapons, they could be in a secret area or a EE only area or you could build them like the axe on forsaken from CW 🔥🔥🔥

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