
25 years ago Seaman was released on Sega Dreamcast

25 years ago Seaman was released on Sega Dreamcast


  1. RubyWafflez

    Wasn’t it voiced by Leonard Nemoy? Rest in peace you absolute legend.

  2. NovachenFS2

    That was indeed a strange piece of software. There was also a lesser known sequel for PlayStation 2, which was only released in Japan. But never saw footage of that and what was different in that version in the first place.

  3. whereballoonsgo

    So what you’re saying is that it’s time for a modern remake?

  4. Grimvold

    Seaman, in the coffee. I knew I could count on it, it never fails.

  5. Thecmmkid

    “If my calculations are correct, you must be a virgin right? I meant…*Virgo*.”

  6. Zeros_Deathwolf

    Dang, Lehman lookin a little worse for wear

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