Is this a normal score after undervolting ?

I did this :

Offset the vcore to- 0.05

IA (AC/DC) to 0.050/1.100 mOhm)

ICCMAX to 307

Pl1 and pl2 125W and 253W

The results led to a big decrease in temperature from 100C during test to 80C maximum


  1. Flyingus_

    that seems awfully low, a 13700kf stock should get around 30k multicore. Even with those power limits, I don’t see how you could have cut that below half…

    Are those current/voltage limits? I’m not too familiar, but if that’s the case then that would explain it. You are heavily restricting the chip though, even with recent degrading concerns I would feel comfortable giving it much more power

    I would also say that’s not much of a vtage offset, so if you haven’t confirmed that’s the limit you probably have more perf/watt headroom there

  2. pabloscrosati

    CEP is enabled (most likely) which while effective at preventing crashes from too low voltage also screws up with undervolting since you’re actively trying to run the CPU with less voltage than it thinks it needs, so even if it weren’t unstable, the CPU and CEP algorithm think it’s too low. Disable IA CEP and your score should go up, but you will have to stability test since you won’t have CEP to save you if you’re unstable from low voltage anymore.

  3. probably clock stretching cause by too much undervolt

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