


  1. calicocidd

    You think that’s bad, try downloading the newest Blink-182 album on linewire, and all the MP3s are labeled as .exe for some reason…

  2. DiscoKeule

    I had that happen recently. Turns out my Antivirus just stopped it launching and as somebody else said the CMD is sometimes normal lol. Still did a check with Malwarebytes though

  3. K1rk0npolttaja

    mfw i dont use the repackers official site

  4. missviolet96

    I had to do this for a game. Turned out to be nothing.

  5. ChChChillian

    ruh — and I mean this in the strongest possible sense — roh!

  6. These_Pumpkin3174

    Naw the best was downloading madonna on napster to hear her accusing voice say “what the fuck do you think you’re doing?” Thank you Madonna for helping me discover my getting caught while fapping fetish.

  7. WingziuM

    Anyone remember that Irish virus from the ’90s?

  8. smoothartichoke27

    Welp. Time to bust out the Windows Boot USB drive.

  9. msanangelo

    *10 minutes later on Reddit*

    “Downloaded this thing, am I cooked?”

  10. Cloud_N0ne

    One of many reasons not to pirate.

    Clean conscience, clean criminal record, clean computer.

  11. You check pirated software with antivirus before you launch it, right?

    It generally just means there was an error, what I do is open cmd and start exe from the command line so it won’t close on error.

  12. Decent_Ad440

    Could be worse.
    You might wanna download music or movies and the file is an .exe

  13. Vote_Subatai

    Quick just turn the computer off and go about your day.

  14. Acrobatic_Train1007

    There are SUPER ULTRA UBER MEGA cool redit subs for that

  15. IgniteThatShit

    I always scan anything I download with Windows Defender and Malwarebytes. One can never be too safe.

  16. Freakwilly

    “Well, my work computer is slower than my gaming PC”

  17. sephirothbahamut

    That’s not necessarily bad, might be the exact script that bypasses anti piracy measures.

    An any case always test your pirated software in a controlled environment, like Windows Sandbox

  18. newman_justin40

    What do you mean gta5.exe is only 120kb? What more could they need?

  19. TelephoneActive1539

    Sometimes it just doesn’t do anything and you resort to emulate the Wii U version.

  20. Michaeli_Starky

    Piracy is bad kids. Please downvote as much as you like.

  21. been pirating for years and never had a problem with pirated games, just find a “reputable” source and download from there…

  22. flippinbird

    Better be safe and download that ZoneAlarm Antivirus listed below the new h0ly-w00D.bat album

  23. FartingBob

    Damn i thought GTA6.exe was going to be so good.

  24. VortexTalon

    i don’t get it cus i haven’t pirated anything, is it they get hacked joke?

  25. SJ-redditor

    I don’t care if anything is a virus. I don’t do anything with banking or credit cards or any other vital stuff on my PC. If anything is infestered with compy herpes I just wipe it back to the saved image of a fresh install I keep on a thumb drive.

  26. Who doesn’t know about trusted repackers by now?

  27. mozomenku

    Why people don’t host a vm to check if anything unwanted will happen? It’s not really hard and there are thousands of tutorials. It won’t solve all problems, but at least you can assure if the pc boots and check the performance or background running processes.

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