Whats your flare record ? (Without the event glitch)

My friend and me had 9 flares in 1 game.
Found 2 at school then stole 1 from an enemy and then i killed a guy which had fcking 5 shells.
Then we bought the 9th flare.
This was a normal classic without an event.


  1. strivemobile_

    in season 3 or so I found 7 in military base and got one from an enemy so 8 is my record

  2. Years ago, I found 3 flares, all of them in Yasnaya in less than 5 minutes after landing. I don’t remember the most I’ve ever found in a match but it’s probably like 5 or 6

  3. drevmbrevker

    5 in unranked with friends, we collected and bought some, were doing it on purpose. We launched them all at once on Pochinki recall tower. After that half of lobby came there we didn’t even had a time to loot anything lol

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