I just got this Mythic switchblade, and to be quite honest I’m sorry I got it. I am not saying the gun is horrible, because it seems like a lot of people like it, but this weapon is trash in my hands. I can’t hit shit with it.

I just got this Mythic switchblade, and to be quite honest I’m sorry I got it. I am not saying the gun is horrible, because it seems like a lot of people like it, but this weapon is trash in my hands. I can’t hit shit with it.


  1. LankanFD6917

    It’s ideal for small maps and CQC. For something like rushing the hard point. Try adjusting your sensitivity settings and FOV to see if that helps.

  2. According-Yoghurt498

    You have to get comfortable with the gun I felt the same way when I got the qq9 mythical 

  3. Waraioni_9

    It’s one the best mythic.. I also got it.. I m loving it.. Its a smg use like it.. Take close to mid range fights… Don’t camp with it.. Rush by taking covers.. Use my build.. Mono suppressor, extended barrel, granulated grip, extended mag A,owc laser… Watch some gameplays of mythic switchblade on utube.. Equip quick fix in ur Green perk… And most importantly practice ur aim in the practice rang so that u can hit ur shot.. And build accuracy.. And it can may be bcuz of the bp50 u r not able to perform well.. Cuz bp50 is a toxic meta right now.. So don’t take fights with the bp50 spammers untill bp50 gets nerfed..

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