I keep on getting 1 error in TestMem5

Question in title, it’s always Error 0 regardless of the loaded profile being Absolut, Extreme and 1sumus (it passes Extreme inconsistently, 4x three cycles).

My kit of RAM is not faulty, it passed 8 cycles of Absolut at XMP settings.

I cannot raise the voltage without other errors appearing, which I’m 99% sure are caused by the memory overheating.

Should I loosen the timings? No clue how to proceed from here.


  1. Try raising the VSOC to 1.15 or 1.20 and try again…

  2. If I recall correctly test 0 has something to do with refresh so it’s either tRC or tRFC. Try bumping up those. Try tRC 58-62 and try tRFC ~260-280ns (so anywhere from 480-520). (in extreme config tho, not sure about others)

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