Cyberpunk 2077

What ending is the worst outcome for v

mine is the phantom liberty when v survives.
V was told that she couldn’t be compatible with any chrome but, during the test Vic had on v.
I can’t really remember but, I think v system was just shut down so she couldn’t use any chrome.(not sure how to put it in words, but theories can be found on YouTube)

How can someone stay unconscious for 2 years?

What if V’s now a puppet just like how arasaka had the same intention for V.

If not, v is just a shell of there former self, a nobody…
Lost everything, everyone except Vic and misty.

Not worth losing johnny.
At the end, there’s never a good ending in night city.

You die a legend or a nobody


  1. JackTseve

    The thing is at least the NUSA cant make you do shit,yeah sure the might had shutdown your chrome in order to have a bargaining chip,but at least you can refuse their offer.Once you sign up with arasaka you are quite literally their slave to do with as wish

  2. SuicideSquadFan96

    Being a slave for Arasaka or fade away? D*mn i cant make up my mind choom.

  3. Emotional-Scratch-17

    Some of you guys are way too dramatic about the phantom liberty ending, people change, friendships end, the world moves on, that’s life. Who cares if V can’t use the warcrimes^(tm) 2.0, at least they have a long life ahead to rebuild.

  4. Accomplished_Car2803

    I haven’t done the Arasaka or hidden ending yet, but turning songbird over to Reed was by far the most depressing ending. V gets to live, but loses literally everything except their life in order to get that. Your love interests move on, your friends get pissed and think you just ghosted them, and you get mugged by some wannabe that wouldn’t get a second thought with your combat implants online.

  5. From_Graves

    Honestly, I can’t imagine Panam or Judy abandoning you because what? You can’t commit crime anymore? Judy left all that shit behind anyway, and the nomads don’t abandon their own.

    The ending where you drive off with them is probably the best.

  6. DivaMissZ

    Something I try to point out to people is V is now not only “normal,” they are in a city where every gang, major corps, and others want to kill them. With no resources, and no ability to fight back, the end is inevitable

  7. I’m convinced the FIA deliberately did something to make it so V couldn’t use Chrome, and that it can be reversed by them. A means to control them in the future, it would make perfect sense – especially if they suddenly need an asset in NC, assuming V is not killed before then.

    Would you really trust Myers not to do something like that?

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