
It’s not them, it’s us: the real reason teens are ‘addicted’ to video games

It’s not them, it’s us: the real reason teens are ‘addicted’ to video games


  1. Scary-Sprinkles-5045

    Makes sense, we need to understand their perspective better.

  2. victoriouskrow

    Tl;dr – the real world kinda sucks right now.

  3. FuckinJuice_

    First article I’ve read in a long time that was decently written and makes sense.

    We are living in a very interesting time.

  4. jakefrommyspace

    This generation doesn’t have a “third place” to escape to anymore … Adults 20 years ago often would own a second vacation home, have a really expensive second hobby, etc. It’s just not feasible anymore, so we escape digitally, into something we can afford.

  5. Squibbles01

    Well Trump’s about to win so everything’s going to get exponentially worse soon.

  6. Bytrsweet

    I am in my early 40s. When I was 8 years old it was never a problem for my friends and I to jump on our bikes and spend the day riding around, or to go to the school yard to play soccer or hockey. it was never necessary for our parents to be there. Can kids do that now? No, if they are seen in a park without adult supervision some Karen will call the police and child protective services will show up at the parents door step. We have all been led to believe that the world is filled with nothing but rapists and molesters even though the number do not support that. So what happens? Kids need to be contained in this little protective bubble where their parents can control everything.

    The fact that parents have to work as much as they do, and they need to be around their kids during their free time it makes sense that kids are now drawn to indoor activities. Do you think that parents want to watch their kids play street hockey for 4 hours? When the older generation complains about kids these days, they fail to realize that kids are growing up in a world that the boomer created.

  7. DoughDisaster

    Makes sense. Honestly, it made sense even before today’s current world. As a teen, read the Bobby Pendragon novels. The MC has to planet/dimension hop and help push a major tipping point in each society towards a good path. One per book. The first time he fails is on a planet where everyone is addicted to virtual reality. No one wants to unplug. Resonated with me pretty hard.

  8. Mindful-O-Melancholy

    Yeah because life sucks for a lot of people and video games are a temporary escape from it. The video game addiction isn’t the problem, the problem is a societal one that leads people to want to escape from reality.


    i dont disagree, but on the other hand explain this : every festival are more (young) people than ever. every sports game are more (young) people than ever. every gym are more (young) people than ever. every convention are more (young) people than ever. this kinda contradicts this thesis. anyone get what im trying to say?

  10. Cyberpunk39

    Escapism. It’s why I game lately and I do it for hundreds of hours. There have been periods of my life where I didn’t game at all. I was doing other better things, out in the real world.

  11. Slingermain45

    The thing is, there’s nothing for us to do

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