PUBG should give you way more gameplay/player statistics

It is clear that PUBG is collecting a lot of information on players such as what guns I'm using, which parts of the body i'm landing shots on, what distance i'm killing players at, what distance i'm being killed from, what maps i've won more on, etc.

Despite that, they don't give you really any usable information to improve your gameplay. Things i would like to know include:

What guns am i most effective with? (Accuracy statistics, body part hit analysis, etc, not just which guns i've carried the longest and how many kills i've gotten with them, which are both just usage statistics and not efficiency statistics).

Which ranges am i best at, and with which guns? (this would help you hone in on what distance engagments you should practice, like maybe i'm really good at less than 50m but 50-100 i lose most gun fights so i need to work on my AR sprays or something)

Which maps do i play well on (highest win rate and placement rate)? Which maps do i need to improve (low win rates?

More statistics on why i die (how many time do i die to blue, in what stages do i die the most, what types of weapons do i die to the most, what level players are killing me the most, etc)

I have only been playing for about 6 months, and my win rate in both solos and squads hovers around 10-15% so it's not like i'm terrible, but it's hard to really know what i need to improve on despite playing a few hundred games. Mostly i just try to improve with different guns and different ranges, but i just have to rely on feel to see if i'm getting better, which is not very scientific.

For reference i used to play a lot of League of Legends and you get so much more information about your gameplay from that game (or 3rd party sites like, which is kind of lackluster for PUBG). Like for example in League i could see that i was cs'ing 6 creeps per minute but higher ranks were cs'ing 7-8/min and pro's cs closer to 9-10/min. So i could easily tell what i needed to work on.


  1. Erlend_Anderson

    I see where you’re coming from but PUBG isn’t a game like that. Often times there’s a lot of RNG involved and winning isn’t always possible. Also, each and every pro level player has different tactics which depend on the situation at hand.

    Having perfect aim and recoil control doesn’t save you much when you’re forced to run across an open field without smokes. That doesn’t really help you if you have no ability to predict enemy movement or you lack of game sense. And that can be learned through different battle engagements which require time. So there’s no “get good, quick” method here.

    There’s []( if you’re interested in a bit more detailed stats, but other than that you just have to feel it.

  2. All the things you mentioned would be so great, if added.

    I find it really easy to improve my skillsets in PUBG. Because everytime I die, I will think of why I died. Yes, my health reached zero, but what lead to that. I have GeForce ShadowPlay running, so I can always clip the last 5 minutes and see what happened. There are so many things that can change the outcome of a game, so I tend to be really self-critical and very very rarely call cheats or luck from my opponents. Having a mindset like that beats having all the stats in the world in my experience.

  3. Kraphtuos968

    Yeah that would be really nice info, idk why everyone here is so critical of the idea. They have the data. Just give it to us.

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