Call of Duty: Warzone

The advantages of ArtIsWar audio tuning are insane

The advantages of ArtIsWar audio tuning are insane


  1. fedoralex

    Tbh i did the tune and couldnt tell whatsoever whats going on where.

  2. tearsofthekingodm

    Been watching the WSOW and the recent Resurgence 1m tournament, and I noticed that every streamer and their mother got their audio fine-tuned to literally separate the footsteps audio from everything else. I don’t know what they did, but they completely messed up Rebirth’s audio occlusion (again).

    If I recall correctly, this audio occlusion thing came with WZ2, and the way it works is that if there are obstacles (say a wall, a ledge, or two) that make the footsteps audio muffled, and there’s something with the sound wave of explosions and other stuff that interferes with the footsteps audio, someone did a video on it when WZ2 first came out, and it’s just plain out *horrendous.* They basically messed it up so royally, that even a small obstacle on the map is functioning like the wall of china and this is why some audio footsteps, even though like 1-2m away from you, you just can’t hear. They also made it that if there’s explosions in the background (precision or cluster), it also muffles down the footsteps audio, for the sake of realism.

    Audio in WZ3 has been, meh, I never had any issues up until this season. I’m getting ran up on, people sprinting, shooting, slide cancelling and doing everything and I only find out when it’s too late, especially in Rebirth. Living Quarters and Prison are completely broken from an auditory standpoint, so I spent 20 minutes earlier today audio-engineering my way to fine-tune the audio following ArtIsWar’s guide who, apparently, fine-tuned streamers’ audio personally.

    Needless to say, the results are astonishing. The tuning doesn’t add or change anything in the original audio warzone is producing, it just plays on the sound waves, frequencies, and volumes, in a way that it accentuates lower frequency sounds (i.e footsteps and anything that sounds like it) and it completely dampens everything else, the result, albeit artificial, makes the game more enjoyable. Footsteps now are crisp, crystal clear, you can hear them through walls, as they should, and you can determine the general direction where they come from (no directional audio still, like above or below), but it’s a stark improvement. I could literally tell where people are exactly standing just by hearing the footsteps, the chances of people surprising me from behind now were significantly reduced, I dropped 20 kills on the first game, and 21 on the second, just because I had more information to work with. The in-game notifications, the fucking audio distortion when you get shot at or when you open fire are also completely GONE, as you can see in the video, everything is just CLEAN, and it helps you focus on your gameplay and the enemy even more.

    Obviously this won’t make you a better player, but it boosts your game awareness by a thousand, like infinitely better. It’s just sad that it’s come to this.

    Warzone 1 never had such glaring issues. I never opted to fine-tune anything in WZ1’s audio, I actually thoroughly loved the sensory atmosphere in WZ1, it was much cleaner, more crisp, and when I see people on here or my friends complaining about audio in WZ1, I just find it surprising because I never EVER not heard anyone in that game. WZ2 was complete trash, I did ArtIsWAr’s tuning in WZ2, and it sucked even more, but he got it right in WZ3.

    And, yes PC advantage all day, sorry, if I can take advantage of this, I surely would.

  3. Aussie_Butt

    Tried it, didn’t really like it much. Glad to see it helps some, I thought it made the killstreaks/loot boxes way too loud for enjoyment.

  4. Sozyopath

    just use the Flex Perk. I never changed my audio and i can tell you exactly where somebody is located, solely based on their footstep audio. The audio cues are so loud and clear, you can oftentimes even tell where in the room he is hiding, just based on directional audio. Furthermore the foodstep sound gives you information about the surface he is walking on, and simple deduction can let you guess reliably where the enemys are. After some time you’ll know exectly what surface makes what sound and simple map knowledge does the rest.

  5. Awkward-Ad9221

    Ive tried it and didnt really liked, I prefer using the compressor from Voicemeteer Banana.

  6. tiredbabydoc

    Has Activision taken a stance on if ArtIsWar’s stuff is kosher or considering against TOS?

  7. xMau5kateer

    im going to be honest, this is just unfair and the devs should just make the audio in this game not shit

  8. Tried it and also don’t care for it. I feel like just enabling Loudness Eq gets you most of the way there outside of lowing that center channel for your own footsteps.

  9. The_Farreller

    I’ve tried it a couple times and it didn’t gel with me. I just stick to good old loudness EQ with 7.1 surround and honestly feel like that’s as good as it can be. At least with my setup of course, it’s different for everyone!

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