Thoughts on this hvk 30 blueprint.

Don't judge my build I was too lazy to open the game and take a screenshot without it .(I started using hvk like 3 days ago so give me some time ).
I made this post to ask whether should I buy the hvk 30 blueprint that came in battle pass and currently is available in the vault .
I saw posts about it being the best epic one there was .but after I saw the videos it seems to have quite some aim shake . And i kind of like the one I have . So it's basically a comparison btw which one is better


  1. Western_Purchase430

    Hey guys op here if u don’t wanna read the whole shit let me summarize it . which blueprint has a better custom iron sight this one or the battle pass one .( I got this blueprint for free from the coupons )

  2. Sincerity24

    Why does the blueprint look a grenade launcher. 💀

  3. Sysmiq5498

    I thought that it was a pretty decent skin. Solid ironsight as well

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