
We let my 3 year old design my new controller for Father’s Day

Meet the “waterlemon troller”


  1. polylusion-games

    Wow, good understanding of color already! Nice.

  2. Ok-Tumbleweed-1499

    That’s adorable! Must be a unique controller now.

  3. decrementsf

    My favorite reddit submission trend is “I made this” while attributing submission on behalf of a third party.

    Early internet didn’t see that trend. It makes sense if the trend emerged as shielding ones ego from downvotes or dislikes, if I were able to read minds I’d guess that’s where it comes from. Used to be everyone joked about how vicious the downvotes and comments were to all things good, make fun of the crowd rather than use of third-party props. Humans are funny.

  4. Ghadiz983

    Is it just me or does that feel like it’s Mario themed. The color palette reminds me of Yoshi from Mario. Damn , your 3 year old aced it 🔥

  5. dallasandcowboys

    Absolutely amazing, but what is that bottom right picture of? I’ve only ever had the base model controller. Is this one of the elite controllers?

  6. Ti7anicSpartan

    Absolutely beautiful, and it is very nice to see a three year old having the chance to create someething for someone. I hope you get many hours of enjoyment from this controller.

  7. oatmilk4vampires

    i kinda thought that was gir a little but awe all hail the watermelon troller

  8. 7/10 with no context

    11/10 with context, ur the best dude

  9. FrequentGrapefruit28

    It looks like an Invader Zim themed controller. Hah.

  10. PaPaReaper87

    Looks very Gir inspired with the colors! I love it!! Now it’s time to sing the doom song.

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