Call of Duty: Zombies

Are y’all honestly hype or excited for BO6 zombies mode?

Personally, I think the people behind zombies are cooking very well after seeing the behind the scenes! 🐐

I’m happy that round base are back in gobble gums coming back because I enjoy using them in public lobbies as well as random people. Lmao 😂

Lately I have been seeing people being concerned about BO6 as a whole, but I don’t think it’s going to be the same treatment from the last game.

MWZ imo personally was a disappointment and wasted potential they pretty much pull a red dead online on that mode.

Left to get milk 💀

One thing I am excited for is the storyline is the aether storyline personally, I love Cold War zombie story, even if we had to play as operators.

But now we got official crew cast! After playing Cold War zombies, I can see these guys are going to be fun to play with!

Also, I am so hyped for this omni movement shit! This is going to be so fun to use in zombies! ❤️👏🏾


  1. TonyHaleRapt

    The first few months are gonna be great, no doubt. But even BO4 (Treyarch’s most developed COD game) suffered from a cut production team.

    If they’re not moved to work on something else, then it should be good.

  2. icyFISHERMAN2

    Until they actually officially announce the gameplay mechanics and I can see how the mode will play I will be in the more nervous/concerned boat as a player that didn’t enjoy Cold War Zombies.

  3. Wooden_Gas1064

    The best thing about it will be it being on Gamepass.

    I bought MW3 and zombies was a blast for the first month then it went downhill fast.

    But with BO6 if it starts to get dry I can cancel the subscription and get it again once there’s more content. Or I’ll play other free games during that time. But it’s so much of a better deal that coughing up 70bucks especially if you only have a certain amount of month to month

  4. jewjesus23

    I am cautiously excited. It looks promising, but I am not gonna get my hopes up too much cuz ya know, it’s COD

  5. SyntaxE330r

    Zombies overall returning to traditional round based I’m excited about but I’m sceptical about the return of gobblegums. It’s not that i don’t like them, it’s more we don’t know how they will be implemented or monetised.

  6. PassgettiGod

    Call me stupid but i’m excited every time there’s a new zombies because there’s always a chance for it to be good

  7. i preffer cold war’s mechanics over BO3’s and all other so yes. just hoping the story gains more personality this time

  8. MarilynManson2003

    Yes, though I have no hope whatsoever that it will be anywhere near as good as BO4 or BO3.

  9. Considering zombies hasn’t really been great in so long (imo) I’m not gonna have high hopes for it. I genuinely do want this zombies to be good, though because CW kinda ruined future ones for me. It was pretty fun, but i just got bored of it after a bit and never touched it again. I’ll likely just watch gameplay / streams when it releases

  10. YODAS_Padawan

    They honestly just ruin it every year that I don’t even buy into it that much

  11. WongyDongy

    No, not really. COD is just the recycled game over and over again. Knowing Activision they’re going to change something that didn’t need changing and make the game worse.

    Then there’s going to be the repeated cycle of everybody complaining but still playing the game and then getting hyped for the next game for it to disappoint again. Gaming addiction is terrible.

  12. MemeMathine

    Honestly, yeah, not ‘I’m gonna pre order excited” but more so “it’s on game pass so I’m not losing anything anyway” kinda way. The interview with Kevin Drew gives me some hope, they aren’t going to completely erase the cold war style of things because cold war like it or not, it got a lot of eyes on the mode. I’m hoping they make it more difficult, I doubt it’ll be bo2 or bo1 levels of difficulty but more so bo3. I hope one of the returning features is the difficulty options returning from bo2, have an easy mode and original, you can have the Easter’s eggs in easy, but just have it be an asterisk on the leaderboard if it’s completed using that difficulty, that way, newer, less experienced players are happy and the og, more skilled players have that return to form.

    I can’t speak for everyone, but for me the two things missing from cold war was difficulty (create a class from the offset, the specialists like ring of fire and all, being able to buy all the perks within 20 rounds, craft table where you can buy a fucking chopper gunner, etc. made the game way too easy, still fun, but too easy) and personality in maps, and set crews, but I’m not counting that because that should be a stable in zombies anyway.

  13. Ok_Department_7508

    I’m always excited for Campaign and zombies mode. Whether it’s decent is another issue all together. I’ll be very happy if Outbreak Zombies is returning.

  14. CompleteFacepalm

    I was until gobblegums and omni-movement were confirmed

  15. NocturnalMezziah

    To an extent yes, but remember….no preorders.

  16. Shiiet_Dawg

    Shit’s got backwards running and sliding.. idk xD Will form my opinion when there’s more gameplay available to watch. I won’t buy it on release but If what i see looks good i’ll buy it. I said the same thing for the last 2 CoD’s and didnt buy either in the end so we’ll see.

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