Can’t believe it’s been 15 months since we knew about all of these CS2 maps and they’re still not in the game…. not sure what Valve are waiting for.

Can’t believe it’s been 15 months since we knew about all of these CS2 maps and they’re still not in the game…. not sure what Valve are waiting for.


  1. Fun_Philosopher_2535

    They never meant to be released maybe ? We also  saw CSGO’s old inferno ported to CS2 in game files but we got a brand new source 2 version of the map instead.

  2. static_element

    >not sure what Valve are waiting for.not sure what Valve are waiting for.

    # for you to keep opening cases. That’s all they care for.

  3. fogoticus

    They are releasing stuff the league of legends route. Stuff that could be considered “major” gets released slowly at a late date so it has as much impact as possible.

  4. WekonosChosen

    Short dust not being released is weird. It looked done a year ago and Wingmans been out for ages. 

    Lake and Train I can see them remaking from scratch. So a release later this year or early next would be unsurprising. 

    Canals and Tuscan would’ve been fine with the Mirage treatment unless they’re on the back burner for significant gameplay overhauls.

  5. Nice-Visit1186

    Still trying to figure out how to make you pay for it. Trust.

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