Cyberpunk 2077

If you had the option to live in Cyberpunk 2077 for a week – in which anything you find you could take back IRL – would you?

There is no limit to what you can take, anything goes. However, anything that happens to you is real- IE you take damage.

Cyberware can also be kept, but you CAN turn cyberpsycho. (Just to make it less OP)

Personally, I would. I think the day-to-day use of something like optic cyberware would be so useful IRL, and general body upgrades that keep you fit would be a help.

Also cool guns and swords – ofc i would take those.


  1. Kart3r32

    Watch me come out of there borderline cyberpsycho lol 😂

  2. Cultural_Ad1331

    I would loot places and guns and etc to get shit ton of money and get me some implants. Also maybe a few free cars.

  3. Massive_Ad_9444

    I’m going to grab some of that cyber weed. That shits got to be crazy.

  4. AtomicToxin

    I’d be bringing back the best car from ‘sex on wheels.’ I managed to finish the game without dying on hard difficulty, so I think I’m good. I seriously want the quadra v tech

  5. NeinRegrets

    Any cyberdeck. I’ll hack cars, ATMs, computers, ~~your mom~~, fucking anything that’s even remotely connected to the net. You know how scary that would be to the mega rich with their smarthouses and smart everything? In true Cyberpunk fashion, I will burn corpo shit!

    ETA: also assuming that I get irl programming/hacking skills, I would also try and pull a Swedenborg Riviera. That sounds like fun.

  6. TheOneTrueKaos

    Yes, and I’m spending the week finding the best cyberware I can

  7. helloimrandomnumbers

    I would make my own personal iconic gun like for me that would be like high caliber power sniper that fire toxic bullets i would name it “king cobra” i would be like a deadly sniper able take down a organized base in long distances

  8. Alicewilsonpines

    I have no clue…maybe David’s Jacket, Johnny’s gun, kidnap Mr hands.

  9. deshelyak

    Mantis blades and sandevistan for sure

  10. Chance_Bluebird9955

    Yes I would and I would take the Quadra Turbo-R no questions ASKED 😂😂😂

  11. KCH2424

    Yeah dude I’d go for a full body conversion, so I can live forever

  12. InternalEase6557

    One of those fancy mind melding joy toys.

  13. aFoxNamedMorris

    Top of the line Cyberdeck and tier 5 quickhacks.

  14. Stickybandits9

    I can’t wait till Im back in the real world and have a heart attack, when they open me up and they see a blood pump or they see the synth-lungs

    Me- ehh I was part of a covert mission to bring back a rockerboy.

  15. bananathroughbrain

    getting me the victor special along with a smart gun to have it all reverse enginnered when i get back to regular earth

  16. gevonden

    I’ll take a Cyberdeck, Reinforced tendons, upgraded heart, lungs, and liver, and strap my Arch to the roof of my very own Delamain.

  17. TrickyAd5720

    I would sit down with Nix and prepare the DataKrash for our world.
    Skibidi Toilet was the last straw.

  18. Gingerale66

    Me just never leaving my apartment for more than 10 minutes

  19. digit009

    Kiroshi “the oracle” optics, double jump legs, and the militech “falcon” sandevistan. Best damn McDonald’s employee ever.

  20. Shadtow100

    Is it a countdown clock? Like could we heist something and time it so shortly after getting an object I get brought back?

  21. 1millionnotameme

    The thing about cyber ware is that what if it breaks, or has issues, maintenance etc. Obviously it won’t last forever perfectly and no one in the world would know Jack shit on what to do with it 😂, so I’d bring back some high tech stuff that isn’t inside my body, maybe some bds or some cool fashion outfits

  22. Rslashsrs

    Get Johnny’s iron and the jacket, one of those demon masks the Tyger claws has, a katana, a Caliburn, and a sandevistan

  23. Reaperswims

    Getting some of that “exotic” cyberware😏

  24. Ok_Answer7099

    Let me cook.

    Tier 5 cyberdeck, optical camo, face plate, the tendons that let you jump higher and mantis blades. Become a contract merc once the week is up.

    Cars, lots of it.

    Weapons, lots of it.

    Oh, and Judy or Panam.

  25. aclark210

    As in I could keep my chrome? Oh I would take so many things back. Some I’d keep for myself, but a lot I’d give to some friends in the medical field to let them figure out how to replicate them. Cyber limbs and biomons would be a godsend in the medical field.

  26. Kvenner001

    Choo2 formula. I’m the oil company now.

  27. namehereman

    Try my shot with Cheri Nowlin ig. Also maybe getting Mantis blades.

  28. Vindilol24

    Optic cyberware and a new heart. Find someplace to hide out because I’m a weak lil bitch and then come back if I don’t die.

  29. Seyelent

    Any life-long cyber implants I can get my hands on. Make life easy 🙂

  30. Spider1132

    Johnny and Reed. I would tell them to keep a low profile, though. They would have to assume new identities, though. Maybe also an Arch motorcycle. I don’t know much about them, so I would ask Johnny to keep it for me.

  31. Used-Statistician225

    Would say Judy but I ain’t a woman so Panam and my bank account

  32. OblivionArts

    Fuck die damn near instantly to some random gang or cop violence or someone just running me tf over

  33. Steegumpoota

    Definitely coming back chromed to the gills. Watch me double jump air dash to work.

  34. Mimirs_forehead

    Gotta come back with that one Delamain AI, so I can pull up in traffic like BEEP BEEP MOTHERFUCKER!!

  35. Maxoveride98

    Do a couple gigs, save se morally questionable folk for hard cash, chrome out, come home financially stable but teetering on the edge of neural ram capacity, utility chrome mostly for survivability and supporting quickhacks and smart weapons

  36. GhettoSpiders

    Get chromed tf out by Vik because I know he’ll use some type of anesthesia.

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