Thought he was a Bot glitching out, Until-

I encountered him in the match. I thought this guy was a Bot in the Lobby, since I see Bots doing weird stuff all the time. Until I encountered him in the actual match, and he lasered me. I was on a Motorcycle going top speed, and I saw this exact dude standing in the open, and he destroyed my Armor, got my health down to Red, and then proceeded to hit me with every DMR shot. He didn't kill me, someone else did but I watched this dude just stand in the open, and he just kept hitting every single shot. I don't ever EVER doubt Lucky hits. Believe me I've gotten plenty of kills that some would accuse me of hacking. But this was different. How do you hit nearly every single shot on someone who's going full speed on a Motorcycle at over 150 Meters? I didn't drive near him. I didn't even know he was in the open field, but holy hell. I'm lead to assume this guy is 1 of 3 things.

1, Hacker, plain and simple.
2, using a Plug In of some sort or Scuff Controller
3, Literally Shroud.

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