
Props to the devs that are horny for abstract lore and rage inducing difficulty. Thumbs up Fromsoft.

Props to the devs that are horny for abstract lore and rage inducing difficulty. Thumbs up Fromsoft.


  1. CorruptDictator

    The lore is par for the course to be honest.

  2. adellredwinters

    I mean at the price point its sold at, it basically is a whole other game.

  3. Inevitable_Soft4897

    yes, keep glazing. we haven’t had enough so far.

  4. Alastor3

    Am I the only one who just find it a bit… boring? Lots of giant fields with not a lot to explore

  5. Historical_Leg5998

    If only that grand, maverick motivation extended to technical performance…….

  6. klonkrieger43

    the game has a third of the graces and a fifth of the bosses even though they are pretty good. Currently I rate it to be worth less bang per buck than the main game and will hold off on buying it until its on sale, which I didn’t do for the original game.

  7. FortKA19

    On the playthrough I first played this on, my time was about 40hrs when I finished everything I wanted before the DLC. After doing everything in the DLC my time came in at about 70 hrs, so around 30 hrs for the DLC.

    Granted it was my first run, so it would take longer to figure out bosses and exploration, but still a lot of content.

  8. Rubber_Bin

    The way i’m seeing it it’s made with the idea in mind that it’s made for veteran soulslike players looking for a challenge. If they made it easier you would hear people whining it’s too easy. Call it rage inducing and abstract, but that’s literally how you describe the soulslike genre in 1 sentence

  9. Shadow969

    I’m so confused. I remember playing elden ring for weeks before standing before the end boss. Took me 3 days and I’m facing the endboss in turd tree. I am now manically running around trying to find other experiences, but if I don’t use super complicated walk througs, I’m not finding anything naturally just by exploration and when I do, it’s a 10min cave, boss goes down in 10s (I may be overleveled, 190) and I go again. I had a GREAT time getting here, but I’m not sure if I got 30 euros’ worth of entertainment

  10. kendo31

    No where near the content of a whole game. Blood and Wine offers more but this is still solid DLC. Get a grip

  11. Auroku222

    Meh im ready for the next series all together at this point

  12. woodlawn667

    I love that DLC but im kinda dissapointment of one thing. Big world but empty

  13. PopularBluejay55

    It’s crazy how some devs can do this. Like Witcher 3’s Blood and Wine. Really tremendous work!

  14. F1R3Starter83

    I thought you lot were disappointed about the amount of bosses? 

  15. sumiredabestgirl

    Meanwhile destiny 2 : the most ill give you is 2 armor sets for 40 dollars

  16. GaryTheRetard

    Best DLC I have played in a long time. Yes I’m big Miyazaki fan, I knew it would be good but I think its rarely in gaming we see something like this.

    All Games I played with goated DLC,s that are worth buying playing,

    Monster Hunter World: IceborneTv-spel
    All the Witcher 3 DLC you know them!

    Cyberpunk 2077: Phantom Liberty

    [Dragon’s Dogma: Dark Arisen](

    Dont remember, but Dying Light had some good DLC.

    Anyway, I miss games that did something like this, give us DLC that is an improvement or addition to the main game we love, that better and flourish the game.

    Cant wait for what next Fromsoftware are brining to the world, with their name so big, Im happy for them.

  17. UKFan643

    I don’t see any way this can be considered a DLC. It’s a whole separate game. The only thing “DLC” about it is how you download it.

  18. Myrtilys_

    Has the word “expansion” gone to the wayside or something? “Big enough to be a game but small enough to be DLC” is like…the perfect descriptor for an expansion

  19. Practical-Aside890

    I just find it odd that they got special treatment in the Xbox store for a dlc, maybe I’m mistaken but I’ve never seen a dlc be listed as a “new game” or in the “coming soon” like they did with erdtree with preorders. I’ve said it before and got replied back “well it’s a huge DLC that’s almost as much content as the main game” ok I get that but still odd to me. Any other game it’s listed as dlc under the main game but not erdtree

  20. Big-Dick-Oriole

    The DLC becomes a slog, kinda like the base game. It’s just too damn long, and the game is bloated with useless items. The map is empty and boring to explore. The quests are stupid and the “story” is pretty lame. It looks pretty without any substance. Like the combat and legacy dungeons kinda carry the game, but I’m sick of people ignoring the fact that most aspects of the DLC are super weak.

  21. ImGonnaImagineSummit

    Definitely worth it, it’s hard enough but not so hard you can’t make your through though the final boss is a bastard as expected.

    The main thing is that it maintains quality throughout, I didn’t think any of it was filler or needless. The scaling also puts you on your ass, you’re able to enjoy the game again and I think it’s a rare thing as you usually stomp your way through DLC.

  22. RIP_GerlonTwoFingers

    That’s part of the reason I didn’t get it yet

  23. pirate135246

    Playing elden ring dlc content after playing destiny 2 episode content, damn….. bungie really do be making fetch quests and selling them for tons of money

  24. FranticToaster

    So Elden Ring is a masterpiece and Shadow looks amazing, but I gotta be real the community here is super hypocritical.

    If they released Shadow as Elden Ring 2, this whole conversation would be “death of the industry” and “they called a DLC a full game!” But while playing this half-price DLC, everyone loves to pretend they’re playing something that could have been Elden Ring 2.

    We all love Shadow. But this hack praise is mounting up to be an exaggeration circlejerk contest.

  25. JustSome70sGuy

    Thats how DLC used to be, when it was called “An expansion pack”. You got what was basically another game at about half the price. Fucking horse armour ruined it all.

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