Call of Duty: Warzone

COD Esports World Cup presenter Nfinity claims on air: ‘It’s a cheat code! (playing M&K) It’s cheating, let’s be honest. It’s much better, keyboard & mouse players are insane…’

COD Esports World Cup presenter Nfinity claims on air: ‘It’s a cheat code! (playing M&K) It’s cheating, let’s be honest. It’s much better, keyboard & mouse players are insane…’


  1. fedoralex

    That’s why people swap to controllers for a game where mouse is much better

  2. Joecalone

    Imagine calling a game with ridiculous levels of AA and 20Hz servers an “e-sport” lmao

  3. Exiztens

    Can someone please put dum dum back in the box?

  4. SteggersBeggers

    You can tell he never played the game apparently

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