Looking for a decent PC for around £500. Is the below any good?

Hi guys I don't know much about PCs I've used the same one for the past 10 years & now looking to get a new one. I'd like to play games on it every so often, nothing crazy but I'd like decent graphics & smooth gameplay. Is the above PC any good for £569? Or has anyone got any better recommendations? I'd mainly use it on older games like skyrim & GTA but would like to mod them out.


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  2. Meatycabbage

    No this would have been a £350 build 5 years ago.
    a steam deck would actually perform better than this build.

    For around the the same price you could build this yourself: https://uk.pcpartpicker.com/list/KLKBCd

    Or shop around in the used market?

  3. RelativeWrong4232

    Do not get that pc unless you want to play Minecraft and valo which you definitely don’t

    That igpu is straight up crap , might even struggle with Minecraft and valo at medium settings

    The parts used would be crap

    Get a used ps5 for like 300£ and a 1440p monitor for 180£ that’d perform far better

    If you want a complete pc setup with monitor and stuff included then save up like 800 something

  4. xingerburger

    The ryzen 3 3200g is a cpu with intergrated graphics- the pc does not come with discrete graphics. That cpu is good for playing Shellshockers and older versions of Minecraft at most. For just a bit more u can build a rig with an i3 12100f and an rx 6600, which delivers significantly more performance than this- many times in fact
    Also forget about RGB if u are on a budget

  5. lacomputordorahuh

    I have a mobo bundle that has a cpu, ram and motherboard for like $200, you could get that and then buy a nice gpu, case, psu, and storage. should be a good $800 build for u then . Pm if you are interested 🙏🙏

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