
Helldivers 2, PlayStation’s Fastest-Selling Game Ever, Has Lost 90% Of Its PC Players

Helldivers 2, PlayStation’s Fastest-Selling Game Ever, Has Lost 90% Of Its PC Players


  1. LucasBouyoux

    Personally, I dropped the game because it kept crashing every darn time, just before extract…

  2. I_T_Gamer

    Good game, but IMO the way they handle gearing limits time played. I already have all the weapons, cloaks, armor.

    There is nothing to chase.

  3. Electrical_Life6186

    I am one of these 90 percent.

    No particular reason, really… it’s just that my attention went elsewhere – I have SO many single-player games to play and clear.

    Hope Arrowhead are not upset, they are a solid developer. Hope Sony won’t shut them down like Microsoft did to Tango Gameworks after the joy that is Hi-Fi Rush…

  4. rincematic

    Well, it has around 34k 24-hour peak in steamdb. I would say that is doing pretty well.

  5. heroism777

    Duh. Everybody is playing Elden ring. I’m gonna head back into Helldivers after I beat the DLC.

  6. SuperToxin

    Games don’t keep their player base, eventually gamers move on it’s normal. They still have a good players base though.

    People read too much into it. Like fucking Elden ring released their dlc, that’s the only game I’ve been playing since it dropped.

  7. Gibbonici

    Videogame in people don’t play the same game forever shocker.

  8. Fast_Biscotti_3649

    Well yeah, they didn’t add any new content. Game is repetitive a f

  9. Monkeyguts560

    The player base will come back when they drop a juicy expansion. Adding a new race to fight will get people back in for a bit.

  10. Scoops213

    Not really news. Jeez games journalism grasps at more and more straws each year. This is normal post launch.

  11. Intentionallyabadger

    Game just got repetitive. Balancing also doesn’t help when you want to try varied loadouts.

    They need to drop a new enemy to get the players back in.

  12. StannisLivesOn

    Yeah, this is what happens when the Guardian of Balance nerfs every fun gun, but they can’t fix the Spear for months. Polar Patriots warbond was a disgrace, and it’s when I stopped playing the game. I’ll check back in when they add in Illuminates, see if anything changed.

  13. Azzell93

    Super fun game but not enough there to keep me playing long term, had 3/4 months of fun with it tho.

  14. CJfries

    No game is built to maintain 100k+ concurrent players, there’s too many games nowadays. (Minus the obvious like CSGO, Valorant, DOTA, etc)

  15. TrustTh3Data

    The initial excitement wore off, and the has too many issues the devs aren’t addressing. Crashing before extraction. Getting kicked (whole team) by one player because they can. Every time they “balance” they kill many of the fun weapons, instead of making other gear better. The items in the warbonds usually suck so nothing to chase.

    It’s not that the game is bad, but mix the bugs and issues with no new content and it’s easy to see why tut numbers dropped.

  16. LeviathansFatass

    It’s pc performance is abysmal

  17. HavelockVetinarii

    I come back to it when in the mood, it the type of game I personally can okay endlessy.

    It ain’t Rimworld

  18. simon7109

    After their terrible balancing patches, no wonder. This is what happens when you balance your game around only the hardcore playerbase and shit on the casuals. I know they are trying to revert those changes now, but might be too little too late.

  19. k0jir0_

    Progression ends pretty quickly and then there’s nothing to unlock, there’s not longevity in the design

  20. Im_No_Hero

    Bought the game, had server connection issues and wasnt able to play online, Sony refused to refund it and i never played it again

  21. Tadpole-Jackson

    They’ll be fine, game wasn’t free-to-play and sold a ton of copies. They still have a solid player base, enough to sustain

  22. TehDro32

    Elden Ring lost 95% of its player base after 4 months. Trash game.

  23. StillHere179

    Game got repetitive fast. I killed a bunch of robots then I killed a bunch of aliens then I killed a bunch of robots then I kill a bunch of aliens back and forth collecting stuff.

  24. squishypp

    I’m thinking of picking up the first Helldivers on ps4. Anyone know if there’s enough of a player base to justify purchase?

  25. Particularlarity

    Way too samey.  Same enemies, same maps, same busy work objectives, same minute to minute gameplay, same guns, same stratagems, same bad democracy jokes.  It was fun for a minute but it needs to evolve, probably a lot.  

  26. SuperSatanOverdrive

    Its not like PUBG has 3 million players playing anymore either

  27. AmenTensen

    Are we just forgetting that they banned half the world from playing too?

  28. DesertOps4

    This makes sense, players move on. Doesn’t make the game any less fun. Personally, I kinda just drifted to other games. Went on a 3 week vacation and kinda didn’t feel like playing once I came back. I’ll probably jump back in if they release a major update, with new enemies and all that.

  29. abhijitht007

    Hopefully it loses its playstation players too. Fuck live service shooter trash.

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