[COD] i’ll never forget how good cod use to be

[COD] i’ll never forget how good cod use to be


  1. GlassedSurface

    Nothing has been the same since BO3. I’m excited for BO6 though. It’s Treyarchs turn and they don’t screw up plus we are returning classic features. Also being on gamepass, I see this being a good thing for longevity.

  2. Beastysymptoms

    Bo3 was kind of dog 💩 though.

    Bo6 actually has my interest, I’m sure they will screw it up though

  3. Cyrax-Wins

    What are you going on about? I took a peek at your post history, were you even alive for when most of these were released?

  4. Denleborkis

    The only outlier to me is BO3 but then again as I state every time I give an opinion I view games differently as I haven’t cared about MP since the original MW3 just doesn’t do it for me any more.

    Personally I’d replace BO3 with IW BO3 has better zombies but IW has the better campaign and also it’s fairly replayable so that also bumps it up some.

    But yeah I straight up told my friend who was getting all giddy about BO-GW? BO6 Whatever it’s called now. If it doesn’t have Wood’s VA back I won’t buy that game for that reason alone no matter how good it is. Yes they kept switching VAs back and forth for BO1 onwards but Woods was MY GUY god damnit and I swear to god if the onion who replaced him is back nothing will make me buy that game bring back Burns ffs.

  5. AmbassadorIll5367

    Do you guys know you can still play it? Not much is stopping you. (At least that I know of).

  6. TheMightyBucket

    In my opinion, even if they released all the old CODs as remasters, they won’t feel the same as the player base has changed which was a big part of the older games

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