Call of Duty: Warzone

Am I a bot?

I feel inferior compared to my 2.0kd teammates at times.


  1. justkw97

    I’m not going to say you’re a bot, but I’d be happy to play against you haha

  2. MrTimSmith

    Depends on who you compare to but a few years back I believe it was jgod that said the average kd is like 0.95 so you’re above average at least.

  3. This_is_Me888

    If you have to come to Reddit for validation then you have your answer.

  4. Phannfan

    Well if your last 10 games KD is about 2KD then you’re not a “bot”

  5. ThatOneTypeOfGuy

    there is no such thing as “am I good/am I bad” anymore. SBMM/EOMM prevents you from playing with people that are worse or better than you. You cant decide skill over kd anymore. there are people who are worse than me who have a 1.27kd but then there are people that are way better than me in every way with a 1.27kd. kd just doesnt matter anymore since everyone is seemingly playing a different game than you. But personally id say, as long as you have more kills than deaths its fine. your kd is positive.

    EDIT: It’s up to you if you decide that 1.27 is ok for you or not. its just difficult to get over certain kd barriers when practising on the account you always play on, since SBMM adapts to your skill improvement over time.

  6. js1sully

    Depends on your role, someone’s gotta be the first one thru the door

  7. ozarkslam21

    You are significantly above average.

  8. RenRen9000

    I would need to transform the K/D ratio to a log of the ratio, then get the average and standard deviation to calculate a Z score of your log(K/D), then see where you fall in terms of probability of the log(K/D). Anything with a p value less than 0.0001, and you’re a bot.

  9. Dull-Caterpillar3153

    Literally impossible to tell without gameplay shown. KD and W/L means nothing sadly

  10. jew_brees_

    Average is 0.85 or so, so…. Not a complete bot lol

  11. throwbackwaylan

    I have the same amount of deaths as you but with 15,000 kills

  12. death2055

    Stats don’t show full picture. Would be better if you had some unbiased game play

  13. indianbuck419

    If you’re a controller player, then you should be at least a 2KD since controller AA does the aiming for you. If M&K that is decent.

  14. NinjaWesley

    No. You’re not a bot. Just keep focusing on the basics and improving your centering and movement and you’ll be even better.

  15. refurbishedmeme666

    when are people gonna understand K/D doesn’t mean shit lol

  16. KayakWalleye

    You have low self-esteem or are a troll. Maybe both.

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