
What game is this for you?

Agents of Mayhem comes to mind. It was soooo half finished but somehow playing as the titular agents was kind of fun.


  1. T-Beatzzz

    Any shooter game. I always find myself getting annoyed in a game like valorant, but then coming back to it like 2 hours later

  2. WhiteLama

    Apex Legends.

    Absolute love/hate relationship there for me.

  3. LaserGadgets

    The Cycle (first one and maybe even the second one)

    Loved the maps and the scifi setting, PVP was ok because I was pretty good but still, PVP always feels like a MASSIVE waste of time!

  4. AtrumAequitas

    Roblox. Love the variety, hate almost everything else about it.

  5. games that give you seasicknes but you are half in

    like the other day deus ex MD breach mode

  6. TempBoi2007

    Pokémon Scarlet for me. So poorly made, yet I can’t get enough of it, lol.

  7. xelgameshow

    Forspoken. This sucks.. but the combat is so much fun.

  8. Due-Instruction-2654

    It used to be LoL. Then I found some love for myself to stop.

    Now it’s all of Trails games. They just keep coming!

  9. Tiamat_is_Mommy

    For Honor. No game has ever summoned more rage out of me yet I can’t stop.

  10. funtujd


  11. VinnieSift

    Lichdom: Battlemage.

    Pretty plain story, terrible map design, repetitive enemies, annoying bosses and awful progression. I still must return to the game from time to time because literally no other game has a magic system half as good and it’s so f*cking good and fun, It’s almost worth by itself to play this garbage.

  12. fortnite, brawl stars,clash royale,brawlhalla,rocket league

  13. Hydraulis

    This is pretty much every game for me.

  14. meowkizz

    genshin impact. gambling addiction and waifus, a lethal combo…

  15. BecauseImBatmanFilms

    I’ve talked about this a ton of times before but there is this Yu-Gi-Oh game for GameCube called Falsebound Kingdom. One would expect that the game would be a simple card game simulator, maybe with a plot or something to keep the player invested. You would be wrong. What it actually is is a hybrid turn based RPG and real time strategy game, using characters and monsters from the Yu-Gi-Oh card game and anime. You control a series of three monster “parties” and move them around the levels in real time and when you run into an enemy you switch to a turn based battle with your forces against theirs. The controls are very basic, the systems are super unintuitive, finding the majority of the extra monsters (including a lot of ones that are fan favorites or just really good) is basically impossible without a guide, the plot is nothing to write home about, and the graphics were only OK for a GameCube game.

    Yet for some reason I keep playing it. I’ve beaten both campaigns (and the secret bonus third campaign) multiple times, gotten every monster available in the game. I don’t know why. I just keep playing it. It’s become that game that I put on when I just want to kill time but don’t want to put in any real effort. It has sunken its hooks into me and I am its prisoner.

  16. gokartmozart89

    This was me the first time I played Bloodborne. Similarly, I hated the combat and controls in Witcher 3. Couldn’t put either down. 

    2015 sure was a year. I played both those games well into 2018. 

  17. talidrow


    I love it but I hate it and I always gravitate back. It’s kind of a comfort thing because I know it and I’m good at the parts of it I like, I guess.

  18. Firingblind79


    Although PvE has made this so much better, but still bullshit abounds

  19. YerBoyGrix

    Slay the Spire

    I hate this game.

    I have 140 hours and have only reached A4.

    I can’t stop. It won’t let me.

  20. Emonzaemon_

    Rocket league. Man I love hate that game

  21. Emotionless_Banana

    Cruelty squad.

    Vomiting in your mouth is a normal side effect of opening the game for the first time.

    There is a level where the “music” is just toilet noises.

    Still played it for 80 hours.

  22. dj_mavis0100

    Pokemon unite i hate the game but love it. The only reason i play it is because it’s pokemon

  23. The_Real_Legonard

    I think this is Counter Strike

  24. jimmalicious

    Elden Ring is a great game. I fucking hate it.

  25. blue_at_work

    I hate everything about Ark: Survival Evolved with every fiber of my being. Yes, I have over 1000 hours in it, why do you ask?

  26. pumpandkrump

    Dead Rising 1.

    Keep hurting me, I don’t care. I’ll get the mega buster by driving through the tunnel.

  27. rW0HgFyxoJhYka

    Any sex/hentai game.

    There, I said it for everyone/Gaben out there even the ones in the back.

  28. Atmaweapwn

    Street Fighter 6.

    I rage incoherently, but keep going back for more.

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