Dell is now sending out laptops with a copilot key.

Dell is now sending out laptops with a copilot key.


  1. Flashy-Outcome4779

    Dell finding new ways to create e-waste. Awesome, thanks Dell.

  2. lurowene

    Yes this is actually a requirement from windows if they want to make sure they can legally call their laptops “ai powered” like if a cereal company wants to call their product Chocolate xyz, they have to contain a certain amount of cocoa.

    As far as I am concerned this is just one more button that can break or one more thing I have to turn off on the laptops before I send them out.

    Our Precision 5490s came with these Bixby ass buttons.

  3. EiffelPower76

    Such a stupid move

    Windows key is sufficient

  4. ProdSlash

    Nope. Time to buy a Mac or a Framework and never again install Windows.

  5. Asleeper135

    Replacing a (slightly) useful key with one that will actively piss me off if I ever accidentally press it. I hope I never have to use one of these abominations.

  6. 4HM3D_235

    Same for the new lenovo LOQ models (i have LOQ 15irx9) And its very useless

  7. MHWGamer

    anything other than the standard layout makes me yuk

  8. Lol you guys like to complain so fucking much. I dont understand whats wrong with fucking copilot smh

  9. KingLuis

    i rarely use the right side alt and ctrl. but to have a button that does something completely different if pressed while in an app would drive me nuts. i’m sure it’d have the ability of being remapped. but imagine pressing it by accident while in a full screen app/presentation and then copilot pops up doing random stuff. i’d be annoyed. only time i use the windows key is to purposely get out of a full screen app when alt tab doesn’t work.

  10. Enigmatic_Observer

    I’m still trying to figure out Home on my msi laptop

  11. Crazy_Chicken_Media

    Don’t use control alt L whatever you do.

  12. ketamarine

    I think it’s a great Idea.

    Having copilot on the desktop in win 11 made me actually use it way more often (vs logging into chat got website).

    Just think of it as a cortana that is actually useful…

    I use it a ton for basic search as well as creative stuff and it’s quite good for technical support.

    Try sending an an obscure tech issue you are having and it will scour those 4 year old posts on Tom’s hardware for you and just give the answer…

  13. RipExtra1053

    I don’t even use co pilot , this is forced and unaware co polite is just another cortona to me

  14. itsapotatosalad

    Like years of Samsung phones with bixby buttons, and the accompanying apps to disable them. Microsoft will give it up eventually.

  15. ToyotaCorollin

    Okay I’ll just use my external keyboard.

  16. SortaOdd

    For what it’s worth, Microsoft already stopped shipping surfaces with right ctrl keys for a while, replacing it with a “contextual menu” key

  17. GeorgeBabyFaceNelson

    What if we used the copilot to destroy the copilot?

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