This dying behind walls “feature” is unacceptable

This dying behind walls “feature” is unacceptable


  1. koala_with_spoon

    Just looks like a latency spike?

  2. SHARP-BP-70M65

    Happens to me to. I don’t have lag issues like this in any other games I play. Only when I play this small indie companies game…

  3. Internal-Front-4610

    what you see is not what your opponent sees.

  4. Fit-Tea-3697

    In before the usual “this also happened in csgo” gaslighting.

  5. nafuzziTHC

    Just billions dollar company.. dont have time .. sorry. Call u in 356 business day.

  6. willis12

    What you see is what the fuck

    Suckdick system is better than 128 tick

    Packet loss is no longer an issue

    Network issues have been resolved

    Rubberbanding is a non-issue

    Game is perfectly optimized and runs smoothly

    Cheating problem is non-existent

    MVP animations are genre-changing addition

    Devs know what they are doing

  7. YAB_647

    this is easily re-creatable in cs2 – i’m surprised the death of the jiggle isn’t mentioned more. it was such a fundamental move in CSGO and now it’s a showcase of how bad cs2 mechanics are.

  8. zero0n3

    Exactly what it looked like when dying to backtrack in csgo.

    Man I really need to get my new PC finished so I can start testing this out with a separate steam acct.

  9. Feardreed

    Its impossible to jigglepeek in this game, sad.

  10. fisherrr

    What difference does it make whether you die before the wall or fraction of a second later behind the wall? You’re dead either way, play better next time.

  11. unixmit

    This was the same in CSGO and the same in Valorant.

  12. johnhammondsson

    Could have just implemented 128 tick servers with the facelift & engine port, that’s all CS GO needed.. but NOOooooOoOOO

  13. Maiq_Da_Liar

    This did actually occasionally happen to me in CSGO as well. Not sure what causes it there since my ping is usually fine.

    One time I was sitting at van on mirage b with bomb planted. I died, then i saw the CT strafing past, and then all the bullet+headshot sounds played at once.

  14. Connor_rk

    dont forget to mention the backwards teleporting when you’re being shot at

  15. stag12349

    What you see is what you get, you see yourself dying behind wall is what you get.

  16. Poputt_VIII

    Idc if it’s what it looks like on my opponent screen it just feels like shit needs to be changed somehow

  17. mustrelaxofficial

    I had this moment in CS2 more than CSGO.

  18. atsekoj

    There must have been “hidden” updates recently that’s causing this to happen more often lately. I got killed like this a few days ago as well, and haven’t experienced something like this in a while…

  19. 420TumbleWeed

    Only explanation I have is that according to your net graph at the bottom left your ping spiked to 67 and fluctuated a bit. And you have 1-2% packet loss. Don’t ask me why it doesnt show in the telemetry netgraph they gave us.

    So its either Valve routing being horse shit or maybe your ISP or maybe subtick not liking unstable pings/the lack of lagcomp or maybe a mix of it all.

    I have the same problems since the updates lately but I my ISP told me they have ongoing network problems at my area aswell(but its only affecting ping for me) so I can’t blame Valve alone

  20. Online multiplayer games are inherently asynchronous so it’s pretty much impossible to entirely avoid things like this.

  21. GeronimoMoles

    Legit I feel like this happens much less than in go

  22. Outrageous-Moose5102

    What’s the alternative? 

    I know it “feels” bad, but isn’t the correct thing happening? You missed, enemy hit you, but you didn’t find out until later. You’re not at any disadvantage, you’re just finding out you lost a duel a fraction of a second after the fact. If you can’t die behind a wall that means jiggle peeking would make you invincible except on LAN. 

    There’s no perfect implementation where both players would “feel” exactly real time.. Subtick should give the correct result even if it doesn’t feel like it does

  23. AppropriateTime4859

    This happened in go when u or enemy has like 90+ ping. This happens in cs 2 when both players have 20ms they need to address this.

  24. peekenn

    subtick killed jiggle peek – we had tech that was more than sufficient for hitreg (128tick) but they chose to throw it away and reinvent something that was unnecessary… Now we have subtick, nobody asked for it and it has introduced a lot of unwanted side effects…. Sad days for cs

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