
How to prevent WW3

How to prevent WW3


  1. LakeOverall7483

    World War 1 had trenches and World War 2 had nukes. He’s just waiting for a new tech advance to justify dropping another world war.

  2. True_Slav_117

    I say boykott Steam until they release Half Life 3

  3. dextralprovence655

    Based on his track record i see no better fit than him!

  4. clustahz

    Don’t have to make half life 3 if the whole world becomes half life 3.

  5. pink_sock_parade

    It kind of feels like we’re in WW2 Ep.2 right now.

  6. futanari_kaisa

    The UN doesn’t have the power to do anything

  7. Alas, even the mighty GabeN is not immortal. But the longer he lives, the better .

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