Longtime PC gamer but first hand-built machine.

My dad got me into PC gaming when I was 13 playing mostly WoW and Oblivion. I've always purchased my computers second-hand or prebuilt from establishments like Best Buy and then modded them as I saw fit. This time around, I wanted something that was truly me. I've always been a natural wood aesthetics guy and when I saw the fractal/ProArt build last year on reddit, I was floored. So I finally saved enough pennies and took a trip to Microcenter. It's not perfect but it's mine. 🧡


  1. LightyLittleDust

    Looking very nice! Good job and welcome to the self-built PC club! (:

  2. itsmeteeeee

    That is literally my dream case.. Good on you for making this artpiece

  3. nukebox

    You nailed the aesthetic. Super clean and looks incredibly nice. Also, your Velcro usage is next level.

    Congrats and enjoy!

  4. AchtungBison

    Awesome!! Also did my first end to end complete self build + setup earlier this year after a few decades of casual pc gaming. A very satisfying process / project 😎👍🏻

  5. Barbarians_Lab

    Case is so beautiful, it should be kept a bit higher, desk level.

  6. Hans_Gruber_69

    My first build is coming in a few months; I’m taking notes here! Nice build!

  7. R34per_

    It looks amazing my guy, superb job! 👊🏻

  8. captainrusty1

    This is actually pretty good. You should be proud of it.

  9. Dammit I just need to hurry up and buy one of these beautiful cases.

  10. Deep-Alps679

    Looks great! What is the black plastic thing below your desk?


    I would literally have sexual intercourse with this motherboard and gpu combo. Pro art fine as hell

  12. You can slap so many fans in that bad boy.


    Props for properly installing the the AIOs radiator in the front, with the tubes being on the bottom, where they should be 👍

  14. alphagusta

    That’s a lot of ASUS gear begging for an RMA nightmare.

    I jest, it looks absolutely sick. Weird how the best looking hardware is made by the worst scum.

  15. PattonSteel

    Beautiful cable management, you’re an inspiration

  16. rzsupra17

    That is some crafty and neat cable management.

  17. aspghost06

    That cable management is *chefs kiss*

  18. SnooChipmunks9965

    The ProArt lineup is so beautiful

  19. Darth_Murcielago

    very nice… always liked the pro art stuff and the case is also great

  20. Interloper_Mango

    I really don’t like the cable slits at the top. I would actually prefer the old North in this case.

  21. GoatInferno

    What’s the thing on the floor? I’m curious.

  22. OscrPill

    Not totally sure that the mobo is gonna be able to hold the 14700k, cuz they heat up a lot, but good parts overall.

  23. DumbNTough

    Really wanted the Fractal North but think it would have been a little too tight for my components.

    I’m jelly, looks great!

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