System freezes and reboots while in load, but no BSOD.

As the title states, my computer freezes while gaming and reboots with no BSOD. I even changed the PSU from a RM650 from 2016 to a NXZT C1200 preparing for the upcoming 5000 Nvidia series with no success.

Things I've done to my PC:

My PC is rock solid on the following stress tests which I've repeated several days:

  • Core Cycler with BKT, BBP, SFT, SNT, SVT, FFT, N63, VT3, C17 overnight (usually more than 10 hours) with no issues at all.
  • y-cruncher with "stress -TL:1441 VT3" to test IF clocks.
  • OCCT 1h stress tests in POWER, CPU, LINPACK, MEMORY and CPU+RAM
  • TestMem 0.12 1usmus +30 cycles and Extreme1@anta777 +5 cycles (I should probably test this much longer)
  • Clicked more than 20 times SHA3 test in AIDA64 in a row lol

All the tests above have passed succesfully a few times and I've ran out of ideas. What am I missing?

Thank you!


  1. BandicootKitchen1962

    Answer is in the screenshot.

  2. OPhasballz

    had similar issues but only at idle on 5900x, was my ram timings in the end and a stuck setting in gigabytes bios. If you just want to leave troubleshooting hell:
    1. unplug psu
    2. replug after a while, load defaults, boot to windows and check that all timings settings have really gone back to stock. If not, do complete bios reset.
    3. Start over with OC

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