Call of Duty: Zombies

Why are zombie YTers chill w this guys

also a couple clips of him saying the n word on streams and other vids I just dont know why he’s so welcomed w behavior like that


  1. Ken10Ethan

    To be fair, the zombies community is not an *especially* wholesome environment.

    I still remember the shit Nixaru got when she transitioned, all under the justification of ‘yeah but her ancient evil video was shit though’.

  2. I’ve never seen the zombies YouTube community as being a welcoming/all inclusive place. Feels more like a bunch of dudes who would be okay with their friends saying slurs or hateful remarks bc they have a “it doesn’t affect them” type of mindset. That’s my best guess though.

  3. ZakuraMicheals777

    Bc it’s the same community who used to make swastikas their emblems … They see no issue w fucked up shit . They think it’s funny actually :/ ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)$50 to say it makes it okay ?? Riiiiight ….

  4. Complete_Resolve_400

    Isn’t rabbit the guy who made videos/spoke about how many guns he owns? Feel like he used to play custom zombies with some people but idk who

  5. tenebrilube

    Because zombie yters are people, who can choose to be chill with whoever they want to be with?

    If krazyrabbit bothers you so much that you had to make a thread on it, why not just ignore him? There’s lots of zombie content creators that aren’t affiliated at all with krazyrabbit.

  6. Green_Dayzed

    Because he’s a youtuber…………

  7. JPalos97

    I don’t know how it is in USA, in my country that word only means that you can get banned for saying it

  8. Role-Honest

    It’s fine if you’re paid for it??? Imo that actually makes it worse that you’ll forego your morals for $50…

  9. Itz_RootBeer

    Rabb1t isn’t my favorite, but he’s bros with Tim so I guess yes cool?

  10. OMG_a_Ray_Gun

    Who tf is rabbit? Only been playing since WAW like the rest of us.

  11. hue_jazz_

    Bro isn’t even black . Quit your bitchin

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