What’s more annoying of a gun then these

What’s more annoying of a gun then these


  1. qone8five

    Mow easily the most annoying out of all of these

  2. You know what’s even more annoying?

    The people who complain about them.

  3. CinnamonStew34s_eh

    me when use shotgun only to get called out by mg42 max guy

  4. Worthy_Assassin

    Since no one has mentioned it, I will say it. The DRH has been so annoying. I see 2 types of players mostly. One who still spam MG42 after nerf, and the others who have switched to DRH spamming. Even pubs aren’t safe lol.

  5. OpportunityPublic340

    Very very sure that these guns are for newbies. With the motto of “Easy to use, easy to master” ngl gets on my nerves but I’d say that people who use these are just bad at the game and need these guns to go on. Still, I’m not complaining if I see these around.

  6. NotThatEliteBro86

    Mow when used by bots, mf 1 taps in the stomach

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