Is this normal now?

Is this normal now?


  1. Emotional_Nerve7628

    Buy used CPUs only. I’ve never bought a new CPU since the 6700k came out in 2015. They don’t just break easily and if it does eBay has good buyer protection

  2. thrownawayzsss

    Yes. The 7900x3d sucks.

    The 7900x3d is 2 chiplets. Only one of those chiplets gets the 3d cache. So you get a 6 core with the 3d cache and then 6 without.

    The 7800x3d is 1 chiplet and it gets access to the 3dcache. You get 8 cores all with the cache.

  3. shadic6051

    The x3d line is always more expensive then the non x3d chips.

    Seems to me like those prices are on the high side even for x3d chips. Check other sites i guess.

  4. kerthard

    People have caught on that the 7900x3d for gaming is basically just a 7600x3d, and for productivity is just an underclocked 7900x.

  5. HardwareSpezialist

    It right in the listing: 7800x3D 6K+ bought in past month; 7900x3D 500+ bought in past month. It’s basic marketing..

  6. MichMitten89

    Glad I got my 7800x3d on sale for 355 before this sky rocketed

  7. justarandomgreek

    There is more demand for 7800X3D and stores want to clear the 7900X3D stock.

  8. Interloper_Mango

    Honestly. I’d go for the 7900x3d even with the performance loss. Much better for productivity which I do on occasion.

  9. Talyanitalyan

    Which cpu good for gaming? 7800x3d or 7900x3d?

  10. jarchack

    I have some AMD stuff in my shopping cart, the CPU’s and GPU’s went way up last night just out of the blue. The 6750XT and the 7800X3D both went up by $50. Some of their other GPU’s and CPUs went up also.

  11. ExtraTNT

    The 7900x has only a few very limited applications… like gaming on a workstation, where you need 12 cores… for just gaming it’s worse than a 7800x (probably even without 3d) and for just working the 7900x is the better choice…

    So very small market…

  12. micaelmiks

    500 7900x3d ordered vs +6k 7800x3d lol

  13. And I’m here rocking a 5600x I’ve had for over a year 🤷‍♂️

  14. etfvidal

    No, the 7800x3d has been around $325-$340 but it looks like it’s sold out on Amazon and Newegg, those are 3rd party prices.

  15. Rady151

    Yes, the better product is more expensive. I see nothing wrong.

  16. RareSiren292

    The 7900x3d is not a “bad” buy but you have to fall into a few categories.

    1. Do you get paid money to do CPU intensive tasks but not paid enough to have a separate machine for work and one for gaming?

    1b. How demanding is your work that you do? Is it so demanding that the small amount of time you save would be worth sacrificing the gaming performance?

    2. How tight is your budget? Is the $20 or so going to determine if you get a slightly better motherboard, ram, or GPU? Realistically it shouldn’t. But if you are on a tight, non negotiable budget and $20 is a make it or break it then getting the slightly cheaper 7900x3d isn’t a bad call. Again realistically $20 shouldn’t make it or break it for you in a high end enthusiast build.

    3. You play at a high resolution. The 7800x3d is only significantly better at gaming measured at 1080p with a 4090. If you don’t have a 4090 and playing at 1080p then the difference is going to be negligible.

    So in gaming the 7800x3d is only around 7% better then the 7900x3d. Not a huge difference and probably only really going to be noticable at 1080p not so much at 1440p and definitely no difference at 4k. I play at higher resolutions it’s not a huge deal. But if you are a competitive esports gamer and you need to get 650 fps in csgo and 605fps is just not going to cut it then get the 7800x3d.

    I’m going to go off of Gamers nexus benchmarks here. If you don’t like it then tough. Go find some other productivity benchmarks. The 7800x3d took almost 13 minutes to render GN’s benchmark in blender while the 7900x3d took just over 8 minutes. In the chromium compile the the 7800x3d took 67 minutes and the 7900x3d took around 47. Other benchmarks show the 7900x3d just behind it’s non x3d counterpart. In single core tasks it seems like the 7800x3d and 7900x3d are more or less evenish.

    So that brings up are you willing to sacrifice a small bit of gaming performance (at 1080p with a 4090) for a significant increase in multi core workloads? If you play at 2560x1440p that difference would be close to gone and at 5120×1440 or 4k it definitely would be gone in games but it will still be there for productivity.

    The new price point of being under the 7800x3d the 7900x3d is becoming a better value then it previously was. Reviewers crapped all over the 7900x3d because it was more way more expensive and worse. But now that it’s cheaper it’s not terrible. At current Amazon pricing the 7800x3d is $411 USD. So if you wanted to price the 7900x3d accordingly to the worse gaming performance (again at 1080p with a 4090) of 7% then the 7900x3d should be $384. But considering it’s better at multi core productivity tasks that should also be a factor in its pricing.

    I personally wouldn’t buy the 7800x3d for above $400 it can be semi regularly priced under $380. Also with the 9000 series literally around the corner I would wait in general to buy a high performance enthusiast level CPU.

  17. SweetReply1556

    I can’t upgrade my cpu nowdays without spending at least 400$ smh

  18. DasHotShot

    The 7800 smashes the 7900 for gaming, that’s why

  19. NippleSauce

    As others have mentioned, the 7800X3D is superior for gaming. However, those prices look a bit off to me. I mean, I was helping a friend out with a computer rebuild just 3-4 weeks ago. At that time, MicroCenter had multiple combo deals for the 7800X3D, a 650e motherboard and 32GB 6000CL30 DDR5 memory all for $450.

    So, spending over $400 for just the CPU seems kinda odd…

  20. TorturedPoet03

    Yes, that’s normal. 7800X3D is better. As another person said, 7900X3D is 2 chiplets.

  21. Kreos2688

    Supply and demand. More ppl are buying the r7 because it’s better. So less supply and the fact that it’s better for gaming, it’s going to cost more. Less ppl need a r9, resulting in higher supply, so it’s going to have a better price to try and sell more.

  22. TheSmokeJumper_

    Why is the 7800 so expensive? It’s £311 here and normally for pc parts you just change the symbol at the from when it’s US to GB pricing

  23. backdoor_breacher

    Is the 7950x 3D a good chip like the 7800x3D?

  24. FunFact5000

    I have the 7900x3d. It’s great. Test it recently now and you’ll be surprised.

  25. TheBoobSpecialist

    Meanwhile I paid like $550 for my 9900K all those years ago. $400 for a 7800X3D seems good, and it’s better for gaming today, than what the 9900K ever was in 2018.

  26. Reckless2218

    Yeah I watched the 7800x3d price spike the last 2 weeks, think it has to do with the prime day/ Newegg fantastic deal days coming up. There either going to put them back to 350 or are there holding there stock to drop them further. The did something similar to the 5800x3d and 12900ks last year

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