2 questions regarding PTM7950

  1. Can I reuse the PTM7950 after applying it to my CPU? For instance, if I get a different cooler, when I remove the original cooler, will some of the PTM be stuck to my cooler? How does reusing it work? Do I just remove the original cooler and apply the new one, and it should stay stuck on the CPU? This image shows that its possible to reuse it with a different cooler: https://imgur.com/a/bciJgdw
  2. How do I clean the PTM7950? In the event that I want to apply a different thermal paste or replace the CPU, how should I clean it? Will cleaning it like we clean normal paste using paper coffee filters and rubbing alcohol work, or is there a different method for cleaning it?

1 Comment

  1. DropDeadFred05

    No, you can’t reuse it. It becomes paste when heated. You clean it off with a cotton swab and some rubbing alcohol carefully like you would any paste.

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