Counter-Strike 2

Gsync, vsync what to use?

I noticed since the update Valve recommended settings is gsync on, vsync on and reflex enabled.

I dont know what to use anymore and whats best in my situation. I have a 360hz (asus pg27aqn) monitor with ULMB2 enabled and g sync and vertical sync disabled in NVCP. I have around 400-500 fps in CS2 and fps_max set to 999.

My gpu is a 4070 Super and my cpu is the 7800x3d

by qwa5d


  1. iAmTheDanger991

    It’s definitely an interesting topic imo. Somebody needs to do some full tests about the latency.

    In other games Vsync + Gsync+reflex ultra – feels nice, buttery smooth. Back in csgo your best bet was literally just to have as much frames as possible and keep it consistent like 400 with no or minimal dips for best ms latency.

    Some people say capping your fps to ~3 or ~4 fps lower than your monitor hz so that Vsync doesn’t actually kick in and introduce input latency BUT appearently reflex does it already. We need tests for CS2 i think.

    I used to run 300 fps capped with gsync on and reflex -on. No vsync. Now I turned on Vsync, Gsync and reflex -ultra, no fps cap and I actually dont see a difference.

    Game feels more “floaty” than csgo did anyways for whatever reason. To me…

  2. Aggravating_Bed_4447

    I have same cpu/gpu but I play on a 144hz monitor. Hence, I have no inventive to turn on vsync. I don’t have gsync support either. If you ask me – just leave these off and enable reflex (boost should also work). I have days with 530 avg fsp and days with 430 avg fps. It kind of depends on the server…

  3. d0mie89

    Don’t use ULMB2 imo, I have the same monitor. I use 360hz HDR, Variable Backlight 2 or 3, Esports/Normal.
    For the game I use Gsync + Vsync (in-game Vsync and nvidia app forced on for CS2 but not desktop), Reflex + Boost, and I also force Ultra Low Latency on CS2 only (Nvidia app).

    I have 5800x3d and a 3090

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