Cyberpunk 2077

What are some of the worst takes you’ve seen about your favorite characters/the game in general?

What are some of the worst takes you’ve seen about your favorite characters/the game in general?


  1. Built4dominance

    Folks acting like Songbird is nothing more than a psychopath, neglecting that she was basically what V would be if she didn’t have friends like Jackie, Viktor and Misty but abusers instead.

    And also, that most folks would turn into animals if the circumstances would be bad enough.

  2. The-Mirrorball-Man

    People who think Panam ends with Judy after V dies are something special

  3. jeksmiiixx

    People who don’t pay Viktor back are the worst kind of people. This is my hill.

  4. Chad_Kakashi

    I am about to drop a nuclear bomb here. Most people who say Johnny Silverhand is a good man, they can only see in one dimension. Silverhand stands at a very dark shade of grey for his actions in 2023. He is right about corporate rats but nuking a tower of the company that has ruled the world for like 100 years at this point is like Raiden punching Armstrong. Many innocents died in the nuking because guess what? Not everyone in the tower was corporate. And if I recall there is also an academy there and let’s not count the janitors and etc.

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