idea for a new cod game? [COD]

i recently watched some videos on the storyline of the original MW series, and it got me thinking of how iw can make a game continuing off of the events of the original MW3.

During the invasion of the US there were many fronts of the war, spanning from Alaska to states in the South as stated in the wiki (, with Russia taking places such as the Gulf of Mexico, Los Angeles, and other states. Some of these places were on the cod DS games, but i think itd make for more content releasing a game with these settings on newer gen platforms.

We could also see what other European countries experienced during the war with their respective factions such as GIGN, SAS, bundeswehr, etc (hopefully they returnšŸ˜¢)
From what we know eastern europe, northern europe, central europe, and some of italy were taken by Russia during the war.

a cool addition would also a be an american militia type faction with so many US cities being taken and the amount of guns we got lol. make the characters of this faction more customizable with different clothing and gear available

It would be up to the devs on what would happen after the events of Dust to Dust though, with most of the TF 141 crew dead and price likely also dead or in prison.

lmk what yall think

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