Call of Duty: Zombies

I Always Hated The Trend That Started in Black Ops II of Every Map Excluding Perks

Ascension's guilty of this too, but Tranzit absolutely started the trend. You can argue PHD being excluded for being too powerful, but at the end of the day it's the player's choice to buy PHD and I feel that should be left up to them. But then stuff like Mule Kick and Deadshot being missing from half the BOII maps makes absolutely no sense, especially on a map like Mob of The Dead where there's a bunch of cool ass map-exclusive weapons people would love to lug around with Mule Kick. You've also got Tombstone, Who's Who, and Vulture Aid that were just absolutely left behind.

I dunno, I just wish we had more perk options on these maps. I think Treyarch's panic over "crutch perks" in BO4 wouldn't have happened if we were just given more choices in our perk loadout.


  1. catdog-six

    Respect to all sides of the discussion, but I actually disagree. I actually liked the feeling of exclusivity. Having all perks in every map takes away the personality and uniqueness of them. I always saw people frustrated by this but I loved it.

    In fact, the exclusivity of perks in certain maps could almost be a poster child of the uniqueness that I miss from zombies, since I don’t really play it anymore.

    Except the perk system in BO3, I agree with you there. Nothing interesting about that, or the fact that some perks were excluded entirely.

  2. zombiezone22

    I thought that it made maps a bit more unique. Made the wonderfizz useful as well. As convenient as they made the CW wonderfizz, it’s kinda boring. But I understand what you mean.

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