Cyberpunk 2077

Will any other game ever reach this level of lighting fidelity? I don’t see any recent releases come even remotely close.

Will any other game ever reach this level of lighting fidelity? I don’t see any recent releases come even remotely close.


  1. Neville_Lynwood

    There will always be better looking games. At the very least, the next Cyberpunk or Witcher game will surely improve it. Would be weird if it didn’t.

    New Fable also looks pretty impressive, even on consoles, and PC’s will be able to go a lot further:

  2. alternatesad

    The last of us games have crazy lighting effects, but more of a focus on natural tones instead of neon

  3. Chloe_nguyenn

    Honestly I hope not for the foreseeable future.
    Dont get me wrong, Cyberpunk 2077 is an impressive looking fucking game. But the excessive level of graphical details is partially what created the Cyberpunk 1.0 situation.
    We dont need more impressive looking game, 99% of the people wont even be able to play it with full graphical detail, and 99% of the people with PC strong enough to play it wouldnt be able to tell the difference either. But it will extended development time by a whole fucking lot and it will result in other corners being cut to save time and cost.
    Instead of keep pushing next gen level of graphical details, maybe wait a few years for the hardware capabilities to catchup first…

  4. robobravado

    I want to say Alan Wake 2 is loaded with graphics tech. So much so you can turn it up so high as to be unplayable. Not my kind of game, but Remedy does good work.

  5. DeftestY

    I dont think so. It has overheated a few consoles. Like jfc.

  6. N7LP400

    Boy glad i bought the 4080 Super for this

  7. Terrible-Painting-39

    Cyberpunk is truly impressive, but we’ll eventually look back at it with its age. I think it’ll hold the title for highest fidelity for a while, but something will surpass it. For me, it’s certainly a GoldenEye64 or Crysis moment where you see true advancement.

  8. lazerbeard018

    Alan wake 2, robocop, hellblade 2, plenty more as more UE5 games roll out.

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