Are my stats good? What should I aim for?

I’m crown 2 just about this season, don’t play too too much, and season rating 5768, played for 4 months> in total.

Just play with my girl maybe 2/3 times a week 3/4 games in the evening, playing on average 10 games a week give or take, I play on mobile and not tablet. Goto load out is M24/Kar w 4x, and ump/thompson ironsighted and I pick up a lot of kills with deagle/revolver as well. Most of my kills I’d say are from snipers though.

Confused on the stats, they seem good to me but I have no idea on what is considered average, last season only played 26 games with slightly higher k/d of 8.38.


  1. nugrahamfie

    I’d say those are decent numbers, but there’s a lot to improve, so keep playing and come back with more games.

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