I’m an argus main, ask me anything!

I’m an argus main, ask me anything!


  1. Plusmax_28

    Man I ask you to help me to raise my KAR98K to master

  2. laggingscottstots

    Dude respect what is your strategy?

  3. Sincerity24

    Do you play passive or aggressive or in between ?

  4. Mystery-Snack

    What’s your full loadout with all attachments and device and finger layout?

  5. Hikaru_The_Asian

    How does it feel having Big PP energy?

  6. em_pror

    how can I start mailing argus or other shotguns and is it similar to sniping ?

  7. omkarislegend

    Atleast you aren’t the guy who takes ttp behind a rock and kills

  8. capfrizzy

    How tough was the camo and mastery grind?

  9. rajnikant90

    Argus is so good in MP and I love playing with it. BR though, it’s pretty tough. I cant play shotgun in general but argus is just difficult. Is it your main in BR as well? If so, i love some tips.

  10. Sudi_Arabia

    Do you have to aim chest? Or does it have the shotgun priviledge of aiming anywhere?

  11. ongamenight

    Do you play S&D? How is it with Argus in Legendary Ranked Matches?

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