My PC stays in a dust-rich environment. I got an air blower on AliExpress to clean it, but it’s having no effect. I think the blower is too weak. Do you guys recommend a better way to deal with dust build up in the case?

My PC stays in a dust-rich environment. I got an air blower on AliExpress to clean it, but it’s having no effect. I think the blower is too weak. Do you guys recommend a better way to deal with dust build up in the case?


  1. MechEMitch

    I bring my PC outside and use my air compressor at like 20 psi but I am very mindful of the components.

  2. nomenclate

    Take the PC outside, unplug all the fans, grab an old paint brush or other soft bristle brush, and use the blower while brushing to dislodge anything that’s stuck.

  3. Regnars8ithink

    Your PC has the Pharaoh’s curse, I thought my home was dusty, I see this and changed my mind immediately.

  4. Logical_Brain28

    Dust Buster!™

    Quick poof poof of that and everything flows free for another week! 😀

  5. Status-Mammoth9515

    Clean Paint brush for sure. I have a powerful air blower too but it doesn’t get the pc real clean unless I use a brush to loosen the dust layer first.

  6. Get a better blower, some cheap aliexpress blower won’t cut it. I got an AirTec IT Duster for like $40-50 and it has no issue cutting through built up dust

  7. alphonse03

    I usually just take it outside, teardown everything and clean everything by hand/with a brush.

  8. Chemical-Ganache-754

    take all the parts out and hose your case, then carefully clean each and every part with soft brush and maybe isopropyl alcohol…

  9. Stilgar314

    I guess it depends on the model, but I got one of those 100000 RPM blowers and the first time I tried it I cracked the thing on full power and pointed to my keyboard. The keys starting to move in a way that convinced me to not to use it at full power over anything else. No need to say that it turns effortlessly all the dust in my case in a cloud in a matter of seconds. If I wouldn’t block the fans before cleaning it, I might get in trouble.

  10. esgrove2

    Blowers have low psi. Use a compressor.

  11. Duox_TV

    meanwhile I have a shitty case with terrible airflow and my cpu is hotter than the sun. But I opened my rig up after not cleaning it for 2 years (because I got lazy during a family tragedy) and there was no dust lol.

  12. userbeneficiary

    i had this problem before… before i got a fractal torrent with decent and ez access air filters …

  13. Misterpoody

    Judging from the color of the dust you smoke cigarettes or vape in your house. Making the dust turn into a paste like consistency. This is going to take some serious effort to dislodge it. The best bet would be to use iso, qtips, and shop rags to wipe everything down. Full disassembly would be ideal but at the very least remove the GPU and fan from the CPU heat sink and detail those. Surface level grime on the case/fans won’t really have any affect on cooling.

  14. Mayoo614

    Everyone is trying to get the proper blower, and here I am worrying about OP’s lungs.

  15. SkyNetHatesUsAll

    Gera decent blower , those battery powered blowers won’t make it ..
    Also use the blower with a brush and you’re fine .

  16. I have an older version of [this duster](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B086WRHRSJ) and it gets rid of all but the stickiest of dust. If you smoke or vape around your computer, you may need to perform a more aggressive and more hands-on cleaning, using brushes (and maybe some canned air) instead.

  17. Im_Balto

    To add to the other advice here,

    The blower is most effective when the dust isn’t caked on, which takes a couple years to do in most office conditions so a blowoff every 6 months makes keeping it clean incredibly easy

  18. waffle911

    Battery powered blower is fine to use, but you need to pair it with a brush to loosen the caked on stuff.

  19. QuiteFatty

    Just a PSA to everyone else, clean yo cases often to avoid this.

  20. megas88

    I mean, you bought it off aliexpress. What were you expecting?

    You can either buy a real electric air blower or just buy a portable air compressor with a blower attachment and that’ll take care of it too. Either option works.

  21. Santeezy602

    Seems like resin do you smoke? I dust mine every 2 months and then clean what I can w ISO. The higher the pctg the bett e.

  22. Krejcimir

    That dust is moist as fuck.

    You live near river or something?
    Get a dehumifider.

    Otherwise just use the duster along with some brush.

  23. Lorgarius

    Not waiting 3 years to clean your rig would be good advice… that is truly horrendous to let it get that way and you risk components longevity by allowing build up and ingress of that magnitude. Prevention is always better than a cure. I dust my fans and visible surfaces inside my case once a week with a microfiber, and blast everywhere else with a powerful compuclean electric duster.

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