M80 target Lake

M80 target Lake


  1. ChaoticFlameZz


    For those that are wondering who Lake is, he’s an NA tier 2 player considered to be one of our best prospects.

    [https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/22921/lake?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31](https://www.hltv.org/stats/players/22921/lake?startDate=2024-01-01&endDate=2024-12-31) These are his current HLTV stats for 2024.

    Now putting up numbers in NA doesn’t exactly mean much but for NA standards, he stands out way too much and hasn’t exactly gotten a proper chance to show if he’s for real. Assuming he goes to M80, he would get his first proper chance against international opposition in 2 weeks through the EWC (roster locks for EWC happened today so we should get an announcement from M80 soon) which would likely tell us how he could perform in the long term.

    He does have LAN experience via locals, do note. So being on LAN shouldn’t be too much of an issue for him but that depends on how he’ll do against real opposition.

  2. Been on the Lake train since last year, thankfully he’s finally getting a call up

  3. AeroXero

    Great choice I hope it becomes official.

  4. Obviously very hype, but I am super impressed with m80 management. They haven’t put a foot wrong so far. malbs was a huge signing that made them hundreds of thousands, s1n has been an amazing replacement for mankz, reck is a great talent for his roles, and swisher and slakz have been solid.

    This would be a great opportunity for Lake who is currently a little rough around the edges, but with dephh and s1n influence, he could become great.

    I think this gives m80 a great chance of making Shanghai while also have a huge potential for the future

  5. Hell yeah! Watched this guy at launders lan this year, congrats on the opportunity brother!

  6. Dracko705

    damn M80 taking probably the only NA talent with enough potential to fill malbsMd spot on the team.

    Really solid move if it pans out

  7. 2poundWheel

    an NA team that actually brings up the next in line, lets go

  8. Zoradesu

    Big if they actually do land him. Would love to see how he grows under s1n and dephh

  9. lake is good, love m80 for giving him a chance. this org is providing what we lost with chaos and extra salt.

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