Call of Duty: Warzone

Is anyone tired of this meta yet ? Don’t get me wrong it’s a good meta but it’s getting boring i hate when a certain meta last this long.



  1. FoxValentine

    I want the game to get the point where you can use any gun and have success. I know there will always be a meta but to have like 5-8 guns to be out preforming the other 118 by this margin. And honestly we the community and steamers have showed the devs can do this and get away with it. Steamers people watch using the meta and everyone goes out and uses it. So the devs only need two brain cells to run together and realize that why buff Ar‘s or snipers or launchers? When we can make new guns with expensive bundles and people buy them. WZ1 last few seasons were the best balancing we had. Now it’s just all about money and less about the community specifically the casual community. All they had to do is slow down the gameplay in BR instead they copied basic cod and added three plates. I miss the old stuff and hope we can get back to that one day.

  2. Snivinerior2

    im tired boss, litteraly every one is using it, dissapointing to look at, me i always try to be original and use unique guns, i use weapons such as the daemon, GS Magna, 50 GS, M16 and the KV broadside AMP, they are very good

  3. Equal-Negotiation-11

    It’s been the meta for less than a week. Most others last far longer. The problem is that there is such a thing as a meta load out. The devs love it and everyone laps it up.

  4. Seth-555

    I’ve played maybe less than 10 games since the Kar98 came out because of how dreadfully boring the game has become.

  5. IAmXlxx

    I’m just bored of the Superi. I was surprised to see it wasn’t touched at all for S4 Reloaded. Everybody and their mothers are running around with it.

    Not saying that other SMGs aren’t good. The Striker9 and WSP9 are still very good but the Superi is the clear choice right now. The mobility and handling on that gun are insane

  6. PrimeConduitX

    I’ve honestly been using my own loadouts, granted one of them is the Superi but the non-meta attachments. I usually get to top 15 to top 5. Not winning is a bummer but using my own non meta builds has been fun.

  7. 24Elsinore

    Currently using a mcw/horus loadout and having fun doing so… I’m almost always running off-meta though and only play resurgence.

  8. SPECTRE_146

    See you on back on warzone today, tomorrow… till you die!!!

  9. Trust me when the one hit shotgun was a problem you should have seen how fast it was taken down

  10. ZiGz_125

    As long as activision wants to sell bundles this game is gonna be boring as shit. U get on nearly any other BR and almost all weapons are viable besides maybe a couple. COD is the only game I’ve seen where literally every person in the lobby uses the same exact thing. Honestly wish we had a no loadout version of this game.

  11. ObsidianPNE

    Having used the Ram-7 all the way through WZ1, I just want it to get a tiny buff so I can use it again rather than emptying an entire clip into an opponent at range and getting barely a plate break.

  12. Diane-Choksondik

    Try the DM56 as a counter sniper, max range attachments and the ares clear shot. Not DMR meta, but close, beats all the AR’s & BR’s, paired with a Spergi for close range.

  13. blindmodz

    Why cod players get tired of any meta so fast ? Literal other games use the same gun for years and still shine

  14. _casualcowboy

    I love the kar98. I suck, so the headshots I DO get make me feel good lol

  15. MaximusMurkimus

    I won a solo Rebirth match with the Vector and the Haymaker lol, so I hope that inspires some of y’all to run your favorite guns sometimes

    That being said, I tried using a bunch of Bolt-Action snipers and none of them killed as fast as the Kar98k, which isn’t officially even a sniper rifle. I just want to down people with the Intervention in two shots max lol, not FOUR

  16. shaoOOlin

    I rarely play with these meta guns unless i loot it from a chest. Even though mostly everyone uses and its a little boring

  17. BigBarsRedditBox

    They’re in every second box anyways

  18. JeeringDragon

    We had to deal with k98 meta for two entire years in WZ1. How tf y’all tired of it already?

  19. OverAtYouzMoms69

    It’s there only way to play the game and it’s kinda sad.

  20. regalfever

    I personally feel that every gun should all have the same amount of damage for the respective categories. All ARs would have the same damage,smgs, snipers and so on. Now that would be cool because everyone has certain guns that they have mastered in terms of recoil control. I feel like that is what would set loadouts apart and bring back some variety. The damage should also equate to the weapons respective rate of fire.

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