Cyberpunk 2077

What just happened?

What just happened?


  1. Cyberpunk890



  2. I-AM-A-ROBOT-

    the techno-necromancers from alpha centauri just crushed your car because you were getting too close to the truth

  3. CreepyBird4678

    You dont remember, you just had a cyberpsychosis moment

  4. sisyphus454

    Mr. Blue Eyes was sending a message.

  5. DavidDomin8R

    The game isn’t used to people actually obeying traffic laws and broke

  6. either you went cyberpsycho or you were in a sandevistan users path and you didn’t see. only explanation

  7. NotSoAwfulName

    You were following the laws of the road in an open world game, did you expect that to go unpunished, heathen?

  8. beckychao

    I was driving a junker (“preem” wheels, according to El Capitan) during a Just Another Story quest. I was cruising on the expressway, looking good, and suddenly… KABOOM!!!!!! I went FLYING ACROSS THE SKYLINE, flying over the city center direction. Nothing touched me, not another car, and I was going 65-70 mph. It was crazy! I didn’t die when I hit the ground but the car was completely wrecked and I failed the quest. I landed in Santo Domingo, in case you’re curious. I was in an area before a tunnel when I launched, don’t remember the map location but I know it by sight (someone got stuck there recently and posted the video).

  9. Drunk_Rabbit7

    That’s normal man. It’s just the side effects of the relic in V’s head.

  10. Pistonenvy2

    you got rear ended by a photon that suddenly gained 4 grams of mass.

  11. Victor882

    You’ve been hit by… You’ve been stuck by



  12. Funkyentman

    You hit a boundary box in a way that the game did not like. Car fell through the map, the rapid collision cubed your car, game has a sanity check for falling through the map so you got teleported out

  13. Select_File4157

    It was a reference to the release of the game

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