Could this new RAM standard mean the death of DIMM? CAMM2 RAM on Project Zero Plus Z790 Motherboard (Computex 2024).

Could this new RAM standard mean the death of DIMM? CAMM2 RAM on Project Zero Plus Z790 Motherboard (Computex 2024).


  1. CorruptDictator

    It is far too early to know if it will become a future standard or not.

  2. BryAlrighty

    If the heatsink cover comes with RGB at some point, I’ll buy it. On a serious note, I think it’d be excellent for new and exciting types of CPU Coolers since many nowadays are concerned with ram clearance.

  3. looking_at_memes_

    It’ll always take a while before newer technologies are fully used by the masses. Even if companies switch to that, I’d imagine it would be expensive at the start and therefore people would still continue buying DIMM. Another example: it took a while until people stopped using HDDs as their main storage and getting SSDs. I know it’s still used but you know what I mean

  4. YellowFogLights

    That looks clean with the shroud. I thought it would be weird to look at but it’s totally fine.

  5. JcRazzleBlazzle

    Outside of cooler clearance, does it have any speed advantages? I’m not sure aesthetics sell *that* well… But if there’s a performance advantage I can see it… Cool idea and love seeing these things!

    Edit: I can see now you could potentially water block cool the RAM

  6. There’s one CAMM2 module on that board taking the space of four DIMMs.

    This isn’t optimised to be desktop RAM, it’s for slimline low-Z form factors. If you want low profile DIMMs, they’re out there, just buy them.

  7. Lastdudealive46

    It’ll be the death of SODIMM long before DIMM. The advantages for laptops and micro-PCs are obvious. For desktops, I think too much of the supply chain is designed for DIMMs. Unless it’s mandated for DDR6, it will be a niche use for SFF builds for a long time.

  8. lolschrauber

    Wonder how the performance will be. If you still need two, the space required is rather big again. The only real advantage here would be a bit of airflow and compatibility with air coolers

  9. TheRealMeeBacon

    I personally prefer DIMM for desktops because of uprgradability and DIMM can have a higher capacity for it’s footprint. But for laptops CAMM2 is better.

  10. Noch_ein_Kamel

    I hope not. Looks stupid…

    That said… I want my slot cpus back 😀

  11. ohthedarside

    Honestly its got a real chance this could mean air coolers could rival 240mm aios thanks to more space for thins

  12. sryidontspeakpotato

    I hope so because these will have faster speeds and lower latency and you can get better cooling options as well. I embrace change when it’s good. Many people are so scared to adopt anything new or change and it’s sad because that prevents manufacturers of making big changes because they are afraid of making people upset

  13. Nitazene-King-002

    Is this available for sale?

    I don’t think it will overtake DIMM, but it may overtake SODIMM.

    I could see this becoming the norm in laptops.

  14. VP_Keith_David

    No. Requiring TOOLS to change RAM configuration is a deal-breaker.

  15. Short term: No.

    Long term: It is possible. Simms used to rule the world. Then they went away.

    It all boils down to price-performance-benefits. If CAMM2s have enough benefits and/or performance vs DIMMs to justify their price, they will be a thing.

  16. OriginalCrawnick

    Looks expensive lol anyone that knows otherwise please tell me but as is tradition with any new DDR standard – I assume 64gb would be something stupid like $400.

  17. IDontGetMuchSleep

    It will if you put an lcd screen on it

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