[BO2] Remember you could choose your loadouts in the campaign?

It was easily what I enjoyed most about BO2 and why it's perhaps my favorite CoD when it comes to gameplay.

Why this feature isn't in more recent entries is beyond me…


  1. forrest1985_

    3arc toys with it and Infinity Ward seems to hate it. It was in IW as part of the hub and was excellent but its not been in any other Infinity Ward game. BO2 and BO3 have it. CW had a few missions where at the start you can pick from a weapons selection but not a true loadout.

  2. braveginger1

    Completely agree. This made the campaign even more fun to replay, and I really don’t understand why it isn’t a more common part of the game. They could just integrate the load out system from multiplayer and let you pick your load out before or during a mission

  3. Absolutely the best addition to the any COD campaign. Shame it never got carried over to later games other than BO3.

  4. playerlsaysr69

    I really hope Raven can allow us this in BO6

  5. Remember when the game were actually good

  6. Snivinerior2

    i miss it, IW’s one was perfect with how you had to physically go to an armory, i hate griff tho

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