G2: “Thank you HooXi”

G2: “Thank you HooXi”


  1. ChaoticFlameZz

    NiKo IGL it is then, this will either go great or become an absolute disaster :v

  2. MrMindspace

    Hooxi wasn’t a fragging IGL, and some people will say he is even a shit IGL, but he was a good leader for them and I hate to see him go ;(

  3. Trumpeter1112

    Crying rn. I know he wasn’t popular and had a lot of haters, but G2 Hooxi was always fun to root for imo. Excited to see where he goes though.

  4. KaNesDeath

    Wow, im shocked they benched him to let Niko IGL. Wonder if this will turn into another Faze situation with Niko jumping ship again after failing to IGL.

  5. HosephIna

    when your team wins an event without you on the server, you lose the in-game part of the in-game leader. Especially after the dry spell G2 has had. Long time coming.

  6. Donut_Flame

    I thought it was gonna be a classic g2 shitpost saying “Thank you Hooxi…for staying”

    Maaaaan wtf is this change

  7. – -hooxi
    – +Taz as igl
    – +s1mple as coach with never-seen-before strats from Play like s1mple

    You heard it here first.


    Funniest move would be if nexa comes back to igl

  9. oldthrace

    Hooxi may have not been the best player on the server but he did achieve something, he won G2 2 major trophies, 3 if you count World Finals. Whatever happens, he deserves credit for what G2 achieved last year.

  10. marcelh98

    it will be interesting to see where he might go next, easy prediction would be Liquid. i’m a little unsure if Astralis would be good, because it means one of the good riflers have to go or take the support roles, but i do think it would be good for Astralis to have device fully focused on AWPing.

  11. re_irze

    Not surprised but I’d not seen anything about him getting kicked until this post, had this leaked already?

  12. Ferni0817

    He achieved a lot for G2.

    Dont forget they cannot win anything for years and with Hooxi they won almost everything, only the major which is missing.

  13. filous_cz

    Hooxi haters feasting tonight.

    He will still find a great spot in a T1.5 team imo like current heroic.

  14. TeTeOtaku

    Fkin hell, his firepower was….lacking but he had great strats and one thing that g2 will miss: calmness in the team.

    With NiKo IGL when things will go south who will be there to calm them down? When you already have the kovacs cousins who are always angry, m0nesy being a bad match and a “cyka blyat” away from raging at his teammates, malbs idk how calm he is, it’s now a question of who will be the “vibes” guy.

    Hopefully the new guy they’ll bring will be someone who can cool the team off and reset when things go south cause they already have more then enough firepower.

  15. MikkeVL

    Praying for Kassads washing machine cus that things gonna be working around the clock cleaning pants 😭

  16. maChine___

    smell perfecto for support/anchor

    malb on niko positions

    niko in IGL

  17. ValnizS

    Damn, i guess it was inevitable, it was fun while it lasted rip, hate to see him go, loved rooting for the guy even when he was not doing well lol

  18. bvbfan102

    Will definitely remember his time with G2 fondly. Hes a great personality and gave G2 some amazing tournament runs.
    Kinda awkward ending with him missing one tournament and the other having Visa issues but genuinely wish him the best and hope he finds a good spot. 

  19. peroleu

    Dread it, run from it, Niko IGL arrives all the same.

  20. KeineAhnung07

    I’ll miss your “Ilya u are insaneee”

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