Call of Duty: Warzone

Can’t even react to this death

Can’t even react to this death


  1. Madatallofit

    Lol that’s exactly how I feel. I can’t even poke my head out with out getting beamed In half a second. Can’t even react to it by getting off the ledge or around cover. Then I pick up the mtz 556 and I shoot 50 bullets and can’t down the dude before he full sprints does a twirl and disappears around a corner. It’s a struggle lol.

  2. AppointmentOk6417

    And than I see this posts where people say : “CoD is so much fun right now best state of the game ever!”

  3. How do you even see that? lol.
    I’m guessing most players are 6 inches away from their screen these days.

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