Old vs new laptops:

Old vs new laptops:


  1. Valoneria

    The old cheap laptops weren’t really that upgradeable though, unless we’re talking the very earliest laptops and in the general infancy where they had their own host of problems. The upgradeable ones (at least for CPU’s and GPU’s) came at a premium, and from what i can remember, was seldomly used because it introduced other issues generally (this chassis is built for X component and heat, Y component fits but generates more heat and uses more power than what it’s capable of handling). As it was seldomly used, it just fell out of favor (at least, i haven’t seen the MXM’s around in forever, and all laptops CPU’s seems soldered these days).

  2. TheNotSoAverageNPC

    ‘Breakes if you look at it funny’ got me, lol

  3. Proper_Belt


    Maybe put ssd in and some extra ram but thats about it man.

  4. Amilo159

    New laptop price: 249$

    Old laptop price: if you have to ask, you can’t afford it.

  5. DangyDanger

    I bought a craptop as a typewriter to get me through college. It’s a dual core AMD 3020e with 8 gigs of RAM. For that purpose, it’s great. Holds battery all day, is thin and light and it has a numpad.

    NFS Carbon lagged though.

  6. HaikenRD

    My Toshiba laptop that was a hand down from my mom she bought back in 2004, lasted until 2014. It didn’t die. The only reason I changed is because my course back in college required us to be able to run AutoCAD 2012 which that old laptop can no longer handle without stuttering.

  7. kirbash

    i have a old hp pavilion from like 2012-14 i kicked that thing probably 2 3 times off the bed and it still works and looks almost brand new lol

  8. Silver_Quail4018

    Where is this nonsense coming from. Old laptops could not run more than 2 tabs of internet explorer without lagging. I think OP is too young to understand what an old laptop is! I am not even going to talk about gaming.

  9. TerrorFirmerIRL

    On the plus side though laptops are very accessible now on the lower end of the market.

    I remember around 2006 paying about €800 for my first laptop with an AMD Sempron processor, their version of Celeron.

    Now you can get a really solid, decent performance laptop for €400, and if you’re willing to shop around and settle for a “craptop” you can get something like €250 that’ll do for basic stuff.

  10. NeonArchon

    Laptops were never cheap, nor upgradable

  11. Shit screen? Laptop screens have been fucking amazing lately. Fucking rage bait post.

  12. It’s more like people buys the most performance packed (read this as the highest number for parts name) with totally no regard for build quality.

    Good laptop still exists but people wants to “save money”

  13. stonktraders

    VAIO peaked before Macbook Air even existed, but they are eye watering expensive. Good ThinkPad models also cost a lot.

  14. RK_NightSky

    I’ll disprove you real quick. HP Transcend.(with the esception of upgradability)

  15. DrunkenPalmTree

    Fucking Cooper cooling in these new laptops so shitty even ea-nasir wouldn’t sell em

  16. WheelOfFish

    This is literally just crap vs good laptops, not old vs new.

  17. Mr_Oujamaflip

    Old cheap laptops were shit. Unsurprisingly modern cheap laptops are also shit.

  18. Geek_Verve

    You can remove “cheap” from the old laptops list, but the rest checks out.

  19. StudentOk4989

    Idk on what drugs op is but I could use the same.

  20. Goszoko

    That is such a bullshit. All my cousins that got their cheapish laptops back in the day had the hinges, touchpads etc broken within 5 years. Laptops overall are all the same. Shite quality for cheaper stuff. Midrange I actually think improved. And the high end is the same.

  21. stackfrost

    My ThinkPad T60 can literally stop a DTC-125 APFSDS.

  22. LoseNotLooseIdiot

    The proper title to this would be “Expensive vs Cheap Laptops”…

  23. NetoGaming

    “i CaN jUsT bUy A nEw LaPtOp FrOm WaLMaRt FoR $200” – literally every shitty customer known to man

  24. Lord_Waldemar

    Hand me down business laptop from your father vs your first self bought device

  25. Environmental_Ad3570

    I worked in a repair shop and remember what kind of shit acer and hp sold 15yrs ago

  26. SamsquanchOfficial

    I assure you, laptopa used to suck just the same in the past. Especially acer ones.

  27. multiwirth_

    Tbh many mid 2000s laptops were crap plastic with glossy low quality screens.

  28. NeoNeonMemer

    Cheap ? Idk much about it but atleast in the 2000s, from what i’ve heard laptops were still pretty expensive. I do remember a lot more ppl having laptops in my country from 2010s tho

  29. lmarcantonio

    Still having a working Panasonic CF30. Intel Duo. As in the first dual core series. Also 1024×768 4:3 lcd. It was about 4000 euro but you could use it as a stepladder without issues.

  30. mcAlt009

    Compares an inflation adjusted 3k laptop to a 200$ laptop…

  31. What do you have to do to get the good stuff nowadays?

  32. Aladine11

    I still have my old compaq presario 1500. It works just fine. Btw i was born in 2001 lol.

  33. Bruh_is_life

    This person has no idea what they are talking about.

  34. Dj_Simon

    Business spec laptop from the ’00s VS -$300 bargin bin consumer slop from the present day.

  35. mechanical-monkey

    I’ve got a fairly “modern” Acer nitro 5 gaming laptop. 1650 version. Never had an issue I couldn’t sort. Upgraded storage and ram. Battery is an easy replacement and one of the fans broke. Was £13 for a replacement and took ten minutes to fit. Granted it wasn’t the cheapest when it came out. But it was also far from the most expensive

  36. Difficult-Let-6466

    Need me one of those old laptops 🙁
    Not much of an expert on which ones would be good though.

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